[p2p-research] Is Web 2.0 Really Democratic?

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Sun Oct 12 20:25:16 CEST 2008

On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 18:03:37 PM +0700, Michel Bauwens wrote:
> Marco,
> between direct plebiscitary democracy and plutocratic representative
> democracy, there are other and complementary forms of democracy,
> based on democratic deliberation ... it's not one or the other ...

Agreed, that's why I wrote:

> e-voting, instant voting, online decision making to get rid of
> representatives... I see in them...(for national politics only, not
> necessarily for local administration) inherent limits: the world is
> too complex for everybody to be competent enough on every possible
> issue, or have time to study in depth the matter of every possible
> decision.

By the way, my take on e-voting is at http://digifreedom.net/node/52

Your own civil rights and the quality of your life heavily depend on how
software is used *around* you:            http://digifreedom.net/node/84

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