[p2p-research] Fwd: Social Innovation Camp Newsletter- 10th October 2008

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 17:33:47 CEST 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Katherine Hui <katherine at sicamp.org>
Date: Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 9:47 PM
Subject: Social Innovation Camp Newsletter- 10th October 2008
To: Katherine Hui <katherine at sicamp.org>


Social Innovation Camp News, 10th October


***** Four weeks remaining to enter your idea!*****

Our Call for Ideas for December's Social Innovation Camp is now at the half
way mark.  Only four more weeks to enter your idea!

Send us your idea <http://www.sicamp.org/?page_id=6> for a web tool to
create social change and you could be joining 80 other participants to try
and make your idea a reality at December's Social Innovation Camp, 5th-7th

We're looking for the best ideas for web-based tools that could change
something important. This time, we want you to think BIG. What are the big
problems <http://www.sicamp.org/?p=193> we can solve by starting small?

Anyone can enter. You don't have to be technically-minded: it's all about
great ideas addressing real need.

You've got until Friday 7th November to *tell
 **about your idea for a chance to come to Social Innovation Camp December

*****Call for Ideas: what we're looking for*****

 Need some inspiration? We've given you some hints about what we think makes
for a really good Social Innovation Camp idea

What excited us about the ideas that we helped along the
way<http://www.sicamp.org/?page_id=137> at
our first ever Social Innovation Camp <http://www.sicamp.org/?page_id=163> in
April really came down to three important things: proof of potential,
people-power and the technology (but not just for geeks).

Check out Enabled by Design's Denise Stephens talking about why she decided
to enter her winning idea into April's Social Innovation Camp

****Next Social Innovation Meetup, Wednesday 19th November*****

Last week we hosted our very first  <http://www.sicamp.org/?page_id=162>Social
Innovation Meetup <http://www.sicamp.org/?page_id=162>.

Thanks to all the people who joined us at the Hub Kings
Cross<http://the-hub.net/places/kingscross.html> to
hear Robin Blandford of Decisions for
Heroes<http://decisionsforheroes.com/> and
the Green Marketing Manifesto's John Grant <http://greenormal.blogspot.com/>,
as well as those who pitched in with their own ideas. If you missed out this
time, you can read all about it here <http://www.sicamp.org/?p=199>.

Social Innovation Meetups are informal evenings held each month for geeks
and people interested in how the web can create social change to come
together regularly and share a little wisdom or ask for help on what they're
working on – a little of what our big weekend events do, but more often.

Our next Social Innovation Meetup is on Wednesday, 19th November 2008 at
6.30pm. Sign up to come along here <http://web.meetup.com/158/>.


We're sending you this email because you've signed up to the Social
Innovation Camp mailing list <http://www.sicamp.org/>.

We don't include stuff that's not related to us and what we do. And we
never, ever share your email address with anyone else. If you no longer wish
to receive this email, please just hit reply with 'unsubscribe' in the
subject line.

You can also keep up-to-date with Social Innovation Camp by following us on
Twitter <http://twitter.com/sicamp> or joining our Facebook

Katherine Hui
Events Manager, Social Innovation Camp

katherine at sicamp.org
Office: 020 8980 6263 ext: 310
Mob: 07964870271
Skype: kateehui

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