[p2p-research] CFP: Open models in knowledge intensive sectors

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 14:20:16 CEST 2008

Open models in knowledge intensive sectors: Free/Open Source
Software and beyond
Track Chair
Lorenzo Benussi, TOP-IX and University of Torino, Italy
lorenzo.benussi at unito.it
Jean-Michel Dalle, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France
Alessandro Rossi, Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy
Cristina Rossi Lamastra, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
KEYWORDS: open innovation, peer production, business models, Free/Open
Software, collective management of IPRs, on–line communities.
The track focuses on how new collaborative ways of generating, organising,
and managing
knowledge are currently affecting production and innovation processes in
intensive sectors, We encourage the submission of papers that investigate
both well–known
domains of commons based peer production (e.g., Free/Open Source Software –
development; user generated content production, etc.) and less studied
intensive domains, such as scientific and non–scientific publishing,
biotech, pharma, media
or entertainment industries.
Various streams of research have already started to question the
appropriateness of the
Free/Open Source approach for non–code related projects and its
effectiveness for
production and innovation processes of other knowledge–intensive sectors.
cooperative/open development in software is eased by self-moderation:
cannot be arbitrary since the code should be compilable without incurring in
mistakes. Also, F/OSS relies on communication and coordination
characterized by very low costs. While some of these features are unique of
empirical evidence seems to support the applicability of the open
collaborative model
beyond code production. The on–line encyclopedia Wikipedia and the
flourishing of user
generated content released under Creative Commons license; the open movie
"Swarm of
Angel"; the CAMBIA/BIOS project for the development of rare diseases drugs,
the Liquid
Publication project, a new paradigm for scientific knowledge production,
dissemination and
evaluation, are some valuable examples in this respect.
This track aims at contributing to the research agenda on the economic and
implications of the extension of the Free/Open Source, peer production
paradigm to various
sectors by inviting well-crafted papers contributing original ideas on
topics such as (but not
limited to) business models; crowdsourcing and distributed problem-solving;
structures; organization of online communities; quality evaluation; users'
involvement in
production and innovation; organizational practices and institutions
enabling the production
process; motivation and incentives, interplay between voluntary communities
and firms.

The P2P Foundation researches, documents and promotes peer to peer

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