[p2p-research] Fwd: John Sobol query on social media in govt ...

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 8 10:37:12 CEST 2008

Dear friends,

John Sobol is looking for the following references:

specifically i am trying to find out how  different democratic governments
have used 'social media' (i.e. social networks, user-generated citizenship,
participatory culture) most innovatively

do you know where i would find a  current resource of projects
in england, australia, elsewhere? canada i am familiar with.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: John Sobol sent you a message on Facebook...
To: john sobol <john at johnsobol.com>
Cc: briand <Michel.Briand at enst-bretagne.fr>, Mark Elliott <
me at mark-elliott.net>

Dear John:

I would call myself an authority on that topic, though I monitor it as part
of my general p2p monitoring,

what I eventually would like to collaborate on, is on framing the topic
through the concept of Partnerstate based policies that enable and empower
value creation by civil society (not just consulting citizens on policies)

this is a quick wrap-up, I have no time this week, but you can always
rewrite after the 13th with more specific questions

you may want to go through http://delicious.com/mbauwens/P2P-Government and
http://delicious.com/mbauwens/P2P-Democracy and find references.

In the wiki, you may want to go through the references at
http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Politics, you'll certainly find the UK and
US players in there. (sunlight foundation, mysociety ...)

Amongst the inititiatives that have most impressed me are

- what's happening at the city of Brest, contact Michel Briand

- wiki based policy making in Melbourne, contact Mark Elliot

New Zealand has a number of initiatives as well, perhaps under my delicious
tag P2P-New-Zealand.

For theory background, see th Partner State policy material collated at
http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Policy, which might also yield names for

This is a search on open government in our wiki:

   1. Bill Allison and Greg Elin on Open Government
   3: [[Open Views]] interview
   5: URL = http://kruufm.com/38-open-views-sunlight-foundation
   12: (http://kruufm.com/38-open-views-sunlight-foundation)
   2. Open Government Data
<http://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Government_Data>(20,746 bytes)
   4: ==Open Government Data movement==
   6: ...se data were collected using tax dollars, yet the government holds
   a monopoly which makes data available only ...
   8: "Some aspects of the open data movement (see also the Hatcher article
   in th...
   11: ... research and data as seen in initiatives such as Open Access News
   15: * grassroots citizen projects using government data sets to improve
   cities and towns, such as Fi...
   3. Greg Elin on Open Data from the US
   9: ...ms to make the operation of Congress and the U.S. government more
   transparent and accountable. Jon and Greg di...
   4. Government Open Code
   3: ...at no cost, of computer code developed for and by
governmententities''' where the redistribution of this code...
   5. Open Government <http://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Government> (28 bytes)
   1: See [[Open Government Data]]
   6. Open Government Open Source
   1: ... at civics, primarily U.S. projects and primarily open-source
   3: URL = http://wiki.opengovdata.org/index.php/OGosh
   11: [[Category:Open]]
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