[p2p-research] thinking about leapfrogging

Samuel Rose samuel.rose at gmail.com
Mon Oct 6 23:00:04 CEST 2008

Most people I know who are p2p advocates (including me) get around
> this by assuming that it is totally within the realms of reality that
> (before we can print anything, if we ever can) a large co-operative
> venture (perhaps between small local p2p producers) could actually get
> a state-of-the-art factory like the Fab36 quoted in the article.

You are right Josef. It is better to explore what is plausibly possible in
new ways, than to sit around and think that you already know that something
new and undone is impossible, because it would have been impossible the way
that *you* did it (not you Josef, but others who are guilty of this kind of

Plus, if you 9as innovator, designer, researcher, etc) have completely
different needs for the design than an industrial need, then you can work
within those limits, instead of taking the assumptions of someone else, no
matter what they think their expertise might be.

They (the naysaying people) will try very hard to convince you otherwise,
but the problems that we are talking about addressing with peer production
are different than the problems people are or were trying to address with
commercial industrial production.

>From my perspective, thinking about plausible ways that people will be able
to do what they are trying to do is more useful than trying to compare what
they are doing to past models that don't really apply 1:1 with what they are
trying to do, and then basically stating they never be able to do it. Or,
that it is not worth effort by the calculations of past models and

> Josef.
> --
> Josef Davies-Coates
> 07974 88 88 95
> http://uniteddiversity.com
> Together We Have Everything
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Sam Rose
Social Synergy
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