[p2p-research] Zeitgeist Addendum

Kevin Flanagan kev.flanagan at gmail.com
Mon Oct 6 18:30:43 CEST 2008

Hey All,

I just watched Zeitgeist Addendum. <http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/>

I was pleasantly surprised with the departure from the doom and gloom of
Zeitgeist part 1 with the more constructive approach of presenting an
alternative to the current economic system.<http://www.thevenusproject.com/>


Its worth watching.

It covers a lot of issues that would be familiar to people on this list,
including a discussion on artificial scarcity, and the holding back of
socially transformative technologies by corporate control of intellectual

Anyone here know anything about the Venus project?


Kevin Flanagan

ps- Here are some of the movies

- Proposals for Social Transformation -

1 - Expose the Fed - Stop supporting the major banks that perpetuate the
central banking system system. Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of
America. If you have money with these banks close your account and move it
somewhere else. If you own stock sell it. If you work for them quit.

2 - Boycott Corporate Mass Media, support independent media online and
protect the Internet which supports so much free speech.

3 - Boycott the Military - Dont let yourself or anyone you know join the
military, it does not serve the people.

4 - Boycott the Energy Companies - Investigate the means by which you can
live independently and sustainably,using solar or wind, get off the grid. -
( I'd add source and grow as much food as you can locally)

5 - Reject the Political System - In favor of technological redesign.

6- Critical Mass - Join the movement - http://thezeitgeistmovement.com/ which
is launching Oct 10th.

Kevin Flanagan

Research Blog - http://www.kevflanagan.wordpress.com
Video Blog - http://www.kevflanaganvideoartblog.wordpress.com
Flickr - http://www.flickr.com/photos/kevflanagan
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