[p2p-research] More efficient (P2P?) usage of email

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Mon Oct 6 10:36:41 CEST 2008

To the list: feel free to jump directly at the bottom.

On Mon, Oct 06, 2008 00:26:26 AM +0100, Josef Davies-Coates wrote:

> saying that you should never ever use html when sending to lists as
> a bit like saying you should never ever use non-energy-saving light
> bulbs. Yes, it makes perfect logical sense. But in the overall
> scheme of things it's not a big issue.

I've already posted the long list of reasons to not do it, which
include that it may be pocket money but it's not your money.
Manner-wise, sending HTML email is the same as sending a one-page
letter in a wood frame via DHL "Recipient pays" service to somebody
who never asked for the wood frame.

> As for checking mail and the web on your phone a) slow down ;) b)
> that is what mobile versions of apps are for, to automatically cut
> out the bits you don't need.

I did not say "reading email on a GPS phone display or in a mobile
app". I said "wireless access" and "downloading with GPS phone" as in
"connecting a laptop or desktop computer to the Internet, via metered
wi-fi or GPS/UMTS modems as MANY people without a land line do, and
more and more will do in the next years, check any official forecast
online". With all respect, I know enough about telecom to not present
arguments weak enough to be dismissed that easily.

> So, if you care so much about wasteful use of resources, why have
> you not yet e-mailed the list (or have you? sorry, can't be bothered
> to check the online archives, ;) ) about a banking system that
> discounts the future and incentivises pillaging of the Earth! :P

because the list as is is very unefficient to use and there are no
real alternatives. And because I never said I have the solution to
every problem, I simply said I'd like to use the list at least to
listen and learn, but if it's managed this way (as also Christian
complained) is uselessly difficult etc etc.

Conclusion: me, I have given absolutely concrete and detailed reasons
why, as long as email is the only system for open discussions, it is
much better not to use HTML, trim, etc... The **only** reasons
provided to use HTML are some combination of:

1) it's 2008
2) Google / Hotmail/ Yahoo default to Html and I simply can't be
   bothered to click on that button just because it may save
   money to somebody else
3) "I (not Josef) am so clueless about email that I will prove it but
   will continue to do things my way because it surely is the best

The problem is not how weak my arguments are (which they aren't). The
problem is that the counterarguments are simply not-existant.

Never mind. I really don't think there's anything more to say. Please
draw you conclusions, make your choices and let's move on.

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