[p2p-research] More efficient (P2P?) usage of email

Josef Davies-Coates josef at uniteddiversity.com
Mon Oct 6 01:26:26 CEST 2008

2008/10/5 M. Fioretti <mfioretti at nexaima.net>:
> On Sun, Oct 05, 2008 19:55:36 PM +0100, Josef Davies-Coates wrote:
>> I'd just like to point out that you can, in most cases, get latest
>> info from wikis etc e-mailed to your via numerous RSS services.
> True, but Rss don't come in as email (there are workarounds, but
> they're far from straightforward). And above all, the problem I
> referred to is what happens after.

Yeah, it could generally be made easier.

Saying that, the first time I used it was within Thunderbird e-mail
client (which has an rss reader built in) and so it was essentially
exactly like e-mail (with any rules I had set-up working pretty much
exactly the same)

Some forums even let you reply with e-mail to, but not often enough in my book.

So, yeah, what said about having to go to many places to reply is
sometimes a problem (although its getting closer to being solved with
stuff like http://disqus.com/ and similar tools)

And I appreciate people thinking about use of scarce resources. Bytes
and bandwidth don't just cost money, they cost real resources like
energy too.

But saying that you should never ever use html when sending to lists
as a bit like saying you should never ever use non-energy-saving light
bulbs. Yes, it makes perfect logical sense. But in the overall scheme
of things it's not a big issue.

As for checking mail and the web on your phone a) slow down ;) b) that
is what mobile versions of apps are for, to automatically cut out the
bits you don't need.

I've not actually used it, but I assume mobile gmail and similar
services are pretty good at this (in the same way gmail automatically
doesn't show you the non-snipped stuff unless you want to see it).

Someone I know recently got upset when I didn't really care too much
about the fact a small UK record label has got the word "aboriginal"
in their name, but do nothing to help aboriginal people (nor do they
purport to).

I asked him why he hadn't e-mailed be about biopiracy if he cares so
much protecting aboriginal intellectual property (which is what he
said he was doing by denouncing this record label).

So, if you care so much about wasteful use of resources, why have you
not yet e-mailed the list (or have you? sorry, can't be bothered to
check the online archives, ;) ) about a banking system that discounts
the future and incentivises pillaging of the Earth! :P



Josef Davies-Coates
07974 88 88 95
Together We Have Everything

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