[p2p-research] thinking about leapfrogging

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Sun Oct 5 22:30:33 CEST 2008

(Marcin, please do trim email, thanks)

On Sun, Oct 05, 2008 10:51:43 AM -0500, Marcin Jakubowski wrote:

> I see your intentions are good.

thanks, I do assure you all that this is the case.
> I think your skepticisms comes from being high in the technology tree
> - where things are too complex. My perspective comes from intimate
> connection to natural resources - and from developing simple,
> practical skills.

what triggers my "snake oil alarm" is only when very complex things
are sold as simple because it is evident that some basic
characteristic was overlooked, especially if this makes other people
start running in the wrong direction. 

Now, I was indeed prisoner for a long time very high in the technology
tree (but I did jump down as soon as I could :-) ) but when I said in
my article that things like your CEB are 19th century technology I
obviously didn't mean that your work is less valuable or less useful
compared to what I did in my former life. Your work is both more
valuable and useful, not to mention more urgent than what I did,
actually :-)

Still, I think the potential for frustration due to thinking simple
things which aren't simple by any means remains around. Then either
one acknowledges that certain limits exist (NOT to make me happy, just
to focus on what makes the most difference in practice vs what looks
cooler on paper) and goes on, or proves those limits don't exist.

It would be interesting, for example, to read specific comments about
specific parts of this:


or about the distinctions I made in my previous post between "energy
generation strategy" and "production of millions of microgenerators" +
"management and transportation to medium/long distances of all that
distributedly-generated energy"

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