[p2p-research] More efficient (P2P?) usage of email

Josef Davies-Coates josef at uniteddiversity.com
Sun Oct 5 20:55:36 CEST 2008

2008/10/5 M. Fioretti <mfioretti at nexaima.net>
> if I had to jump every day among ten or twenty
> different wikis, brainstorms and what not
> If you prefer other ways, and convince the majority of subscribers to
> shut this list down in favor of a wiki, brainstorm, whatever, OK. Me,
> I'll simply stop following these discussions, no problem, really,
> friends as before and all that.

I'd just like to point out that you can, in most cases, get latest
info from wikis etc e-mailed to your via numerous RSS services.

Just in case some people on this list are familiar with what RSS and
it many benefits:


(PS are the youtube embeds on that page working for you? at present
they aren't for me...)

Josef Davies-Coates
07974 88 88 95
Together We Have Everything

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