[p2p-research] More efficient (P2P?) usage of email

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Sun Oct 5 19:41:12 CEST 2008

On Sun, Oct 05, 2008 13:10:07 PM -0400, Samuel Rose wrote:

> No please continue in email.

OK, but then please will you **start** turning HTML off, trimming as
much as possible and maybe even bottom posting?

> I just have to get that off of my chest, because this is pretty much
> the only circle I am involved in that still does so much
> (discussion) via email...

As I said earlier, I do understand your point. And I even agree that
when a closed group of people has to produce one common output there
may be much more efficient ways to work. But I didn't suggest "let's
use or find a better way to communicate".

I just said "**when we use email**, please everybody do it in the one
way that proved itself to be the most efficient one for open, public,
email based discussions with (half) strangers for even more than 17
years". A stable, surely closed group of people can use email any way
they please or give it up entirely, of course, but that's a completely
different scenario.

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