[p2p-research] More efficient (P2P?) usage of email

Christian Siefkes christian at siefkes.net
Sun Oct 5 14:42:52 CEST 2008

M. Fioretti wrote:
> - there are tons of reasons why, even these days, it is much more
>   sensible and considerate (unless you know for sure both the habits,
>   limits and economic conditions of EVERYBODY who will receive your
>   email) to trim as much as possible before replying to an email and
>   to always avoid HTML or kilometric signatures. I can post the long
>   list of such reasons if asked, for the moment please take my word
>   for it. First, turn off html, then trim as much as possible, then
>   reply, thanks.

I second that. This list is very interesting to read, but it would be far
*far* FAR easier to follow if everybody would try to trim the noise.

Stefan Meretz has written a nice little mail about how to do it right:
http://www.oekonux.org/list-en/archive/msg04736.html .

Best regards

|-------- Dr. Christian Siefkes --------- christian at siefkes.net ---------
|   Homepage: http://www.siefkes.net/   |   Blog: http://www.keimform.de/
|      Peer Production in the Physical World:      http://peerconomy.org/
|------------------------------------------ OpenPGP Key ID: 0x346452D8 --
- This comic book I bought off'n ol' fox shows how we goes up to Mars,
  brings back some Martians an' they deestroy the whole Earth!
- What nonsense! Bringin' Martians back. We'll never need their help.
- Boy! That's a relief.
        -- Walt Kelly, Pogo

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