[p2p-research] More efficient (P2P?) usage of email, was: thinking about leapfrogging

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Sun Oct 5 13:28:36 CEST 2008

On Sun, Oct 05, 2008 12:05:19 PM +0100, Josef Davies-Coates wrote:
> Hi Marco,
> Thanks for your mail.
> I agree that in principle non-html mail is better, but most everyone
> I know uses gmail now

Generally speaking, isn't a bit amusing that gmail, hotmail and yahoo
are popular among people who make a point to become less dependant on
privacy-risky, massifying multinationals? (I've said the same thing on
the italian degrowth /decroissance lists)

> which isn't non-html because its on the web so why would it be.

Don't let Gmail or webmail in general fool you. Email is email, the
fact you or a few email users you know read and write it from a
browser doesn't change a bit of the problems I mentioned.

If you send (summing HTML, lack of trimming etc...) 50KBytes of stuff
when one would have sufficed to somebody who has a slow and/or not
flat rate internet connection, it changes little whether that person
reads the message through a browser or an email client. That person is
still paying 50 times more than he or she could because the _sender_
didn't do email properly.

Besides, I explicitly said that avoiding html, trimming to death
etc... is a must unless "you know for sure both the habits, limits and
economic conditions of EVERYBODY who will receive your email". Which
is never the case when you write to a list, or in discussions like the
leapfrogging one when there are new people invited to join at every message.

Thanks for trimming and answering in text, of course.

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