[p2p-research] thinking about leapfrogging

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 3 06:35:02 CEST 2008

Kevin, Joseph, Eric:

would it at all possible to get some bibliographic help from you guys. What
I would like is at least one link and a 1-2-3 line annotation.

I would add it here for later usage:


I think's Eric list now contains practical guides, while the books here,
which make a political/technical case, would go in a separate listing.

Kevin, you must have a good list after writing your book?

Let's help others in the same quest go up to speed!

Many thanks for considering your assistance,


What we have now is:

Natural Capitalism

Shuman's The Small-mart Revolution

Callenbach's Ecotopia

"The Second Industrial Divide

On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 11:09 AM, Kevin Carson <
free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 10/2/08, Josef Davies-Coates <josef at uniteddiversity.com> wrote:
> > "Building Blocks", Chapter 5 of Natural Capitalism by Lovins et al, was
> one
> > of the first books that got me thinking and excited ecovillages. It told
> the
> > story of Village Homes in Davis California:
> >
> > http://www.villagehomesdavis.org/
> I'd read

> a couple years ago, and absorbed mostly
> the stuff on energy conservation.  But this year I read a book on lean
> production, with an introduction by a lean expert who saw networked
> local production on the Emilia-Romagna model (rather than in a giant
> corporation like Toyota) as the optimal application of lean
> principles.  And when I contacted him privately, he recommended the
> lean chapter in Natural Capitalism, which had gone right over my head
> when I first read it because I was going through a rather intense
> anti-Tom Peters backlash at the time.
> He also recommended Shuman's The Small-mart Revolution, btw.
> > (as well as ING Baring doing some sensible stuff in Holland)
> >
> > I also learnt recently that Kim Stanley Robinson (author of the classic
> > Red/Green/Blue Mars trilogy which totally inspired loads of my friends)
> > lives at Village Homes :)
> >
> > I've heard his latest trilogy is all about permaculture essentially.
> I've never read Robinson, but now I'll definitely have to.  I love sci
> fi that attempts to depict decentralist economic ideas in practice.
> Right now I'm rereading Callenbach's Ecotopia, and wondering how much
> of it inspired Vinay's vision in "The Unplugged" (particularly the
> prefab houses).
> > > >  There's a book, "The Second Industrial Divide" which Marcin and
> Smari
> > say
> > > > makes about the same case for light manufacturing, and that was
> written
> > in
> > > > the 1980s.
> > > Is it by Piore and Sable?  I'll have to get a copy, and soon.
> > I believe that is the one. Hope so, because I just ordered it :)
> Me, too.  The good thing about Amazon is that the bookstores give away
> used stuff almost free if it's to a marginal enough market niche--this
> was priced at $1.25, I think.
> --
> Kevin Carson
> Mutualist Blog:  Free Market Anti-Capitalism
> http://mutualist.blogspot.com
> Studies in Mutualist Political Economy
> http://www.mutualist.org/id47.html
> Anarchist Organization Theory Project
> http://mutualist.blogspot.com/2005/12/studies-in-anarchist-theory-of.html
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