[p2p-research] support the entrepreneur commons project

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 29 17:18:58 CET 2008

Via Marc Dangeard:

I need your help raising the attention on an idea I have submitted on


As you may know, I am currently working on the Entrepreneur Commons
(www.entrepreneurcommons.org), trying to foster collaboration between
entrepreneurs as way to create an inclusive selection process for
funding, rather than the competitive models that we currently have
with VCs or Angels.

On his site Change.gov, the Obama team announces that they want to
setup a network of incubators to help entrepreneurs, and I am hoping
the organization of such a network will not be left to government
employees or to consultants that would live off government money. Thus
the idea submitted on Change.org, of an Entrepreneur Commons or
equivalent organization to manage entrepreneurs collaboration within
this network of incubator.

The top 10 ideas submitted will be presented to the Obama
administration on the day of the inauguration, hopefully this one can
make it there. Please vote and please forward to your friends if you
like the idea:


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