[p2p-research] Fwd: application for the 7th framework program of the European Commission - searching for partners

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 21 15:33:58 CET 2008

Is anyone interested in participating, under the heading of the P2P

If you are, quickly send me a description of possible related research


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: pavlos hatzopoulos <phatzopoulos at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 9:20 PM
Subject: application for the 7th framework program of the European
Commission - searching for partners
To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
Cc: Thanasis Priftis <thanasis.priftis at gmail.com>, Nelli Kambouri <
hellikam at gmail.com>, parsanoglou at yahoo.com

Hello Michel,

We are planning to apply for a proposal for the 7th framework program of the
European Commission. At the moment, we are in the process of approaching
potential partners for the research consortium. We thought that the P2P
foundation may be interested in applying with us and certainly feets the
profile. The proposed title of the project is:

Migrant digital spaces and gender


The project will focus on new media in the context of increased migrant
mobility and cultural diversity in Europe since the 1990s. The project will
take as its starting point the participation of migrants living in Europe in
the creation of digital spaces. The digital activity of migrants and migrant
groups will be treated as another reflection of the relation between migrant
culture and the European public space. Characterised by increased
connectivity, this relation is a complicated mix of instances of inclusion,
exclusion, clash or dialogues, rigidity or mutual transformation. More
specifically research and analysis will critically explore two antithetical,
but also complementary aspects of migration culture:

   1. the official discourse on migrant cultures developed in the official
   web-sites of EU institutions, member-state governments, and transnational
   NGOs, in order to problematize dominant rhetoric, representations of migrant
   identities and cultures; and
   2. The unofficial discourses on migration developed in digital spaces:
   you-tube, facebook, migrant web-sites, etc. created by migrant individuals
   and collectivities, challenging or reinforcing the official representations
   of migrants and migration and exploring alternative hybrid digital
   identities and performativities, as well as the creation of digital
   transborder and transnational migrant communities.

Particular emphasis will be placed on the ways in which gender power
relations determine identities and performativities in migrant  digital
spaces. In order to disseminate information and put the findings of the
research and analysis into practice the project will include the creation of
a digital migrant platform, whose aim will be to act as a meeting place for
diverse digital intercultural encounters.

*The specific call for application is the following:*

SSH-2009 - 5.2.3. Culture in the creation of a European space of

Cultural phenomena permeate national borders and transcend ethnic, class and
linguistic divisions. The circulation of culture in all its forms may have
consequences for the European integration process. The spread of high-speed
broadband and other digital networks raises the possibility of the creation
of new communities which are not only acting through text, code and
language, but also through performance, sound and music, images and visual
culture. Research would investigate the role these wider cultural phenomena
play in creating new networks, communities and institutions across national
and linguistic borders, and in stimulating or preventing the transmission
and circulation of identities and experiences. It would investigate the new
challenges and opportunities presented by an increasingly globalised digital
culture and the possible public and private sector policy responses

*Funding scheme: Collaborative project (small or medium-scale focused
research project)

**If you are interested, please reply till the end of next week (November
28th) including a short description of your institution (no more than 300
words) and possible case studies touching upon the proposed description
above that you may want to explore in this project.


Nelli Kambouri, Centre of gender studies, Panteion University, Greece

hellikam at gmail.com


Dimitris Parsanoglou


Pavlos Hatzopoulos and Thanasis Priftis, Re-public


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