[p2p-research] Fwd: [Globaltrust] [Fwd: Global Trust Initiative]

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 15:07:01 CET 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peter Harris <doilooksensible at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 6:47 PM
Subject: [Globaltrust] [Fwd: Global Trust Initiative]
To: Globaltrust at needanerd.ie

Message from John Jopling, Chris Chapman and Mike Sandler

Over the next few decades, humanity faces some VERY DIFFICULT and VERY
BIG decisions. What we lack at the moment are decision-making structures
and processes at the global level that correspond to the real needs of
the situation. We are a global species. We are encountering global
limits. But we lack adequate structures and processes at the global
level to ensure that we live within those limits.

This initiative seeks to address this. The aim is to design and
implement the best possible global architecture to steer humanity
through the extremely troubled waters we are entering, structures and
processes that are fit for purpose, that are based on principles of
sustainability, self-organisation and social justice. Are we going to
rise to the occasion and realise our true potential as a species? Or are
we going to follow the example of the Easter Islanders who destroyed the
island's forests, on which life depended, by "competition between clans
and chiefs driving the erection of bigger statues requiring more wood,
rope and food" to quote Jared Diamond's Collapse - how societies choose
to fall or survive. Today, humanity as a whole has a choice. Our point
is that, at least at the global level, we currently lack the
decision-making architecture to enable us to make and implement the
right choices.

This initiative relates specifically to one particular issue, the need
to reduce global emissions of CO2 from fossil fuels. But we see it as
part of a wider evolution of the global architecture concerned with the
use and abuse of all global commons.

The project may be considered bold, but we think it is both timely and
do-able. To design and establish adequate global structures, we will
need to use some very smart processes, to involve the very best people
with a wide range of skills and experience and to attract a very high
level of support across the entire planet. That is what this mailing is

_1. Mailing List_

We are building a list of people who have expressed interest in (or in
many cases support for) this project, plus some we hope will be
interested. There are currently 197 addresses on this list. Sorry if
your address has been wrongly included; please let us know and we will
remove it.

_2. Two attachments_

These are very incomplete and very much discussion drafts. The entire
project needs to evolve through dialogue over the next two years. All
comments welcome, however critical. If corrections or suggested
additions occur to you, please let us have these.

Sorry if the attachments have clogged up your system. Work has started
on a website for the project. Hopefully this is the last time we will
have to send long email attachments.

_3. Get in touch_

By email to Johnj at thevillage.ie, or if in USA to mike at carbonshare.org

_4. Networking_

Please point us to people we should approach and/or please forward the
attached to any individual or lists you think appropriate. We think it
would be preferable to avoid general publicity at this stage.

_5. Other offers to contribute_

There is obviously an immense amount of work to do to get this massive
project off the ground. The attached paper makes some suggestions but
you may well have other good ideas. Please think how you could
contribute. Or let us know what sorts of skills etc you could offer. The
project needs people willing to take responsibility for different things
that need to be done. How could you lend your weight to help give this
initiative the momentum it needs?

_6. Meetings in December_

We intend to hold meetings in London and Dublin in December to *make
contact*, *discuss the project* and* agree next steps*, including
seeking funding - what to ask for and who to ask.

Please say if you'd be interested in attending and we'll get back to you
to agree arrangements.

_7. Your response_

As soon as possible please! If you are interested in attending a
meeting, please reply by return.

Best wishes John, Chris and Mike

Globaltrust mailing list
Globaltrust at needanerd.ie

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