[p2p-research] Fwd: CFP: ANZCA 2009 Digital and Social Media Stream (submissions due 5 Feb. 2009)

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 19 22:41:18 CET 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Axel Bruns <a.bruns at qut.edu.au>
Date: Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 9:34 AM
Subject: CFP: ANZCA 2009 Digital and Social Media Stream (submissions due 5
Feb. 2009)
To: Axel Bruns <a.bruns at qut.edu.au>

Dear colleague,

the 2009 conference of the Australia/New Zealand Communication Association
will take place in Brisbane on 8-10 July 2009. We are now calling for paper
submissions for the conference overall, and for the Digital and Social Media
stream in particular. For more information about the conference, a full list
of all conference streams, and to submit your papers, please see the
conference Website at http://www.anzca09.org/.

Digital and Social Media

ANZCA09: Communication, Creativity and Global Citizenship conference stream

8-10 July 2009
QUT Creative Industries Precinct, Brisbane, Australia

Stream convenors: Axel Bruns, Creative Industries Faculty, QUT / Teresa
Rizzo, AFTRS

Digital and Social Media

Digital media forms constitute an increasingly important element in the
overall media ecology. Australians with broadband access now spend more time
on the Internet than watching TV, and the growing role of social media
(based on the technologies of Web 2.0) in this mix has been well-recognised
in both popular discourse and scholarly work.

Digital and social media forms are enabling new modes of communication and
new forms of creativity affecting and transforming established models of
production. For example, cross-platform productions work in the juncture
between traditional and social media.

Social media have also become tools for the active expression of citizenship
- key social media sites were utilised by political actors to encourage
citizen participation in recent election campaigns in Australia, New
Zealand, and the United States, but also provide a fertile space for new
social movements to emerge.

The Digital and Social Media stream of the ANZCA09: Communication,
Creativity and Global Citizenship conference is seeking papers and panels
that address the following themes:

* How have the practices and aesthetics of social media influenced and
altered traditional media such as television, radio and print media?

* What role might social media play in the future of the film and television
industry, and for the media industries in general?

* How do we document, investigate, and understand the role of social media
within the overall media ecology?

* What drives the success or failure of social media environments?

* How do digital and social media contribute to the expression of active

* What are current and future trends in the development of social media

Abstracts and papers are due by Friday 5 February, 2009, and should be
submitted directly to the ANZCA09 web site at http://www.anzca09.org/.
Enquiries about this stream should be directed to Axel Bruns or Teresa Rizzo
(a.bruns at qut.edu.au / rizzo at optushome.com.au).

Dr Axel Bruns                                      http://snurb.info/
Senior Lecturer, Media & Communication             a.bruns at qut.edu.au
Creative Industries Faculty, Z1-515, CIP             Skype: LexaSnurb
Queensland University of Technology                   +61 7 3138 5548
Musk Ave, Kelvin Grove, Qld. 4059, Australia       CRICOS No.: 00213J

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