[p2p-research] p2presearch Digest, Vol 13, Issue 26

Matthew Cooperrider mattcooperrider at gmail.com
Tue Nov 18 19:20:11 CET 2008

Hi All,

I would just like to share that Michel will be giving this same lecture
Sunday, November 23rd at 7pm in New York City.

Details at http://www.computersandsociety.net

Please forward to anyone you know in the New York City area.

Matt Cooperrider
mattcooperrider at gmail.com

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 6:00 AM, <p2presearch-request at listcultures.org>wrote:

> *Network Civilization: Peer-to-Peer and the Rise of Green Capitalism*
> /A lecture by Michel Bauwens about Peer Production/
> Date & time: 15 December 2008, 20:00 hrs
> Location: Waag building, Nieuwmarkt 4, Amsterdam
> Organised by: Waag Society & Free Knowledge Institute
> Just as the three quarters of oil engineers now agree that Peak Oil
> is in sight within the next decade (after that, oil production can only
> decline), can we also posit that we may have reached a moment of Peak
> Hierarchy, a moment in history in which it is no longer large centralized
> organizations that are most efficient or productive, but rather those
> that are organized as distributed networks and can draw on peer producting
> communities?
> This is the thesis explored by the P2P Foundation, a global network of
> researchers investigating the emergence of peer production, governance
> and property, showing how this new 'hyperproductive' mode of producing
> value is out-competing and out-collaborating traditional organizations.
> Such a change will have huge implications for society, business, and
> education. The election victory of Barack Obama, and his program of
> green capitalism, opens up, because it cannot succeed without huge
> strides in participation, the possibility of a 'high road' transition
> towards a peer to peer society, based on the voluntary aggregation of
> productive communities united around the creation of common value.
> How would our society function, if GNU/Linux and Wikipedia were not
> just emergent, but the model of a new type of institutions residing
> in the core of our economy and politics?
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