[p2p-research] Fwd: Request getting mixed with another thread

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 17 15:33:59 CET 2008

Dear friends,

our friend marc is requesting feedback on his multiple value programmable
money concept,

thanks for assisting,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: marc fawzi <marc.fawzi at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 10:48 AM
Subject: Request getting mixed with another thread
To: dante.monson at gmail.com, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

Could you help me get feedback on this from laymen, intellectuals and just
about anybody who can read and think for themselves?


The P2P Currency concept is summarized under Objectives

Other than critical feedback, it would be very interesting to find
connections between aspects of the proposed currency model and other models
from history (or the present) all the way back to Incan civilization and
older. Money is not new, so I'm sure people have experimented with different
models over the ages.

I could definitely use history to build the narrative/story for the proposed
model as well as learn why the various similar (or different) models from
history never achieved mass popularity into the present


At the core of this proposal are these critical objectives:

1. Enable a lending model that rewards the lender without punishing the
borrower by rewarding lending with seller credit points that give the lender
higher rating among sellers (of goods and services.)

2. Encourage P2P energy production and energy abundance by tying money
creation to energy production, such that those who produce energy (from
natural, abundant sources like solar and wind) get paid for it while those
who consume energy get to benefit from cheap, abundant energy. This way the
Central Bank (e.g. Federal Reserve) is replaced by a new kind of utility
company (referred to here as Peer Bank.)

3. Provide a multi-dimensional value system for the purchase of goods or
services instead of the 1-dimensional value system we have today, which is
the numerical cost of goods and services. So that consumers become not just
price conscious but more conscious about the other values, e.g. seller's
support for environment, seller's use of organic ingredients, seller's
credit points (or generosity in lending), etc.

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