[p2p-research] My letter to Obama

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Fri Nov 14 09:32:27 CET 2008

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 12:05:26 PM +0700, Michel Bauwens wrote:
> Hi Marco,
> since this has come up a number of times, perhaps it would be
> interesting to point out some kind of overview of the critiques
> leveled against certain aspects of the E-R model?

The problem is that most of this stuff is in Italian only. Anyway:



"enough of fiscal privileges to the coops",

the book "Red coops: the greatest conflict of interests in Italy since
WWII" (original title "Le coop rosse. Il più grande conflitto di
interessi nell'Italia del dopoguerra.");  a comment to the book is at

the book "Falce e Carrello" (www.falcecarrello.com): the title is a
joke based on the almost identical sound in Italian of:

     "falce e martello" (sickle and hammer, the symbol)
     "falce e carrello" (sickle and hyper-department-store-cart)

to mean that yesterday's communists have thrown the tools of
traditional workers away to become capitalists, while keeping the
external appearance of being faithful to old ideals

comments to this other book at







Mandatory Disclaimers:

1) I have not read the two books above, but all the excerpts and
   reviews, forums etc... that I have seen and quote them are
   consistant with other reports I've read or heard on TV in several

2) almost all the links above are not from independent, neutral
   voices. "Libero" and "il Giornale", for example, are very
   right-wing/neoliberal newspapers (the second, IIRC, belongs to
   Berlusconi). The author "Falce e Carrello", for example, is the
   owner of Esselunga, one of the bigger department store chains here
   in Italy, that is a direct competitor of LegaCoop.

let's just say that even if all the links above only told half of the
story, if half of what they say were true it would be enough to be
careful when talking about coops and E-R

3) things change greatly with the size of the coop. LegaCoop and
   similar are ordinary corporations, just as ruthless and tied to
   banks and big political parties as Fiat, just to stay in Italy.
   Marco Travaglio, a journalist who is everything but pro-Berlusconi,
   defined the Unipol-LegaCoop ties a dramatic conflict of
   interests. Coops with ~10 members are a whole different story, but
   this doesn't mean they won't get unfair privileges just because
   they call themselves a "social" usiness whose members will commit
   to vote the right party

The best way to investigate, if you feel like doing it, would be to
contact directly the staff of those newpapers and the authors of the
two books. Making an "official" request as P2P Foundation may help to
get an answer.

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