[p2p-research] update on hyperion

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 11 10:33:03 CET 2008

from the comment area at

Hyperion - as proposed - is a molten core reactor. That is, the core itself
is liquid and is pumped around a loop through the boiler tubes. Also as
proposed, it has no control rods. Instead, it relies - somehow - on the
physical and neutronic design to keep temperature at some steady value
(550-C, IIRC).

If they intend to build them in the US, they need an NRC license (many years
away and they have not applied). The NRC regulations require a prototype and
ops data before a non-LWR can be get into serious late review for a license.
That's one reason why the pebble bed reactor has had such trouble. Hyperion
would need lots of capital to finish design, build a prototype, operate it,
and get data.

At the moment, I'm sorry to say but that this seems like a hand-wave
reactor. Nonetheless, if one looks at the IAEA conference agenda for the one
going on currently in Vienna, one can see that Hyperion sprung the necessary
few thousand to have an exhibit over there. I wish them luck.


taschoene -

Read the site info carefully - I'm not saying that you haven't, but look for
evidence that Los Alamos stands behind the design.

What I read, IIRC, was that one man who worked (or who once worked) at Los
Alamos was trying to take this notion private.

Thus, this is NOT a Los Alamos project, or even one originally designed by
Los Alamos. This is one man pushing an idea.

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