[p2p-research] My letter to Obama

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Sun Nov 9 06:15:46 CET 2008

On Sat, Nov 08, 2008 13:24:23 PM -0600, Kevin Carson wrote:
> My response to the solicitation of ideas at change.gov:
> ...
> This means, among other things, a switch from capital-intensive
> production methods based on product-specific machinery, to
> production with small-scale, general purpose machinery.  It means,
> in place of the old Sloanist production model, something like the
> present-day economy of Italy's Emilia-Romagna region: networked
> small manufacturers producing in large part for the local market,
> with a high degree of cooperative ownership.

what are your sources with the names of these manufacturers?

> Scaling back IP law (a good start would be repealing the DMCA, the
> WIPO Copyright Treaty, and the Uruguay Round's TRIPS accord) would
> eliminate the barriers to the diffusion of skill and technology that
> currently prop up the old corporate dinosaurs of the software and
> entertainment industries, and facilitate their replacement by
> networked production on an open source model.

in the entertainment case, wouldn't a reduction of copyright to 5/10
years max from publication achieve practically the same effect, while
being much easier to lobby for and, for the general public, to
understand and support?

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