[p2p-research] open innovation my ass

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 7 05:22:15 CET 2008

it's not just that, the notion of open innovation discussed here is of
cooperation between corporate r&d's,

not about open innovation involving open communities

for that, you have to be with eric von hippel,


On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 11:06 AM, <paola.dimaio at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sorry for the impolite subject line
> I am researching Open Innovation models, and have just realised that the
> 'open innovation center' at berkely is
> anything but Open
> http://openinnovation.haas.berkeley.edu/openinnovation.html
> There are at least 4 ways to get involved, they say, and they all imply
> paying huge sums of money to the Center, and it also implies that they are
> intersted to work for their students (I presume berkeleys) and their
> clients.
> No way for other 'open innovation' experts (non Berkleys) to interact with
> them
> This attitude seems very obtuse and contrary to the spirit
> anyone from berkeley on this list care to comment?
> Thanks
> --
> Paola Di Maio
> School of IT
> MFU.ac.th
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