[p2p-research] open innovation my ass

paola.dimaio at gmail.com paola.dimaio at gmail.com
Fri Nov 7 05:06:48 CET 2008

Sorry for the impolite subject line

I am researching Open Innovation models, and have just realised that the
'open innovation center' at berkely is
anything but Open


There are at least 4 ways to get involved, they say, and they all imply
paying huge sums of money to the Center, and it also implies that they are
intersted to work for their students (I presume berkeleys) and their
No way for other 'open innovation' experts (non Berkleys) to interact with

This attitude seems very obtuse and contrary to the spirit

anyone from berkeley on this list care to comment?


Paola Di Maio
School of IT
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