[p2p-research] seminar on networked politics

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 4 00:20:54 CET 2008

Dear everybody!

During the last month a group of us have been trying to organise a working
seminar on Networked Politics and Technology in the Bay Area. We are making
the most of the fact that some of us are at present in the US. It has taken
some time to get everything organised. Now we can confirm it. It will take
place in Berkeley on the weekend of the 6th and 7th of December 2008. It
will be hosted by the School of Information – UC Berkeley. We are also
organising a public event at San Francisco the day before, on Friday the
5th, in collaboration with the Global Commons Foundation and the
International Forum on Globalisation.

This working seminar is a step towards an projects to develop the work of
Networked Politics and related ideas at the World Social Forum in Betlem
(January 2008). There will be two participants in the workshop from Brazil,
working towards the WSF.

The goals of organizing this working group in the San Francisco Bay
Areaare: to expand the exchanges and the cooperation in the Networked
project between Europe and the United States; to connect and learn from the
experiences of social forums and social movements in both continents as well
as from the WSF; to benefit from the uniqueness of the technological
innovations and free culture, research and experiences based at the Bay Area;
and to prepare activities which strengthen the contribution of Networked
Politics to the development of the WSF.

The structure of the seminar is organized on three lines of discussion in
the seminar (Weekend) and a fourth line of discussion addressed in a public
session (Friday afternoon).

* First line of discussion: Governance of platforms for participation:
Social forum and online collaborative communities
* Second line of discussion: When do new social media and political activism
* Third line of discussion: New institutions: the rediscovery of the
* Fourth section of discussion: Movement Organizing and Networked Politics:
The experience of the Social Forums. This discussion will also attempt
explicitly to address the  challenges and opportunities posed to networked
politics by the financial crisis.

The participants expected are mainly people based at the Bay Area.

How to follow the seminar from abroad?

Materials for the working group will be sent to this e-list and be available
through the Networked-politics.info
<http://networked-politics.info/>website. A reader is in preparation
and the discussions will be recorded and
the audio files will be put available online. If we are able to find
resources, a publication of edited transcripts of the discussion will also
We are trying to provide broadcasting, so that some e-participants will be
able to follow the seminar and eventually transmit questions and comments
through a chat-room. We will circulate a call for contributions to the
reader in the next day or so. All it's content  will of course  be copyleft

More information availeble at: http://www.networked-politics.info/berkeley/

In solidarity! Mayo Fuster Morell , Mark Randazzo, Katharine Wallerstein ,
Marco Berlinguer and Hilary Wainwright

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