[p2p-research] Request for relevant links for the Family Guide to Digital Freedom

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Sun May 25 07:56:41 CEST 2008

On Sun, May 25, 2008 07:23:42 AM +0200, M. Fioretti wrote:
> This summer I will prepare the next edition of the Guide and surely
> include a link to this page. In any case, everybody is welcome to
> send any relevant links [on government transparency] also to me
> directly, so I can mention it in the book.

I would like to extend this request to the whole content of the
book. The table of contents of the Family Guide to Digital Freedom,
including links to sample chapters, is at
http://digifreedom.net/node/71 , and will change little or nothing in
the 2008 edition.

As you can see, it presents to all ordinary, non-activist,
non-professional parents many topics of interest for the members of
this list, even if, in some cases, some of you may not agree with my
own proposed solutions.

If any of you has any links to projects, news, etc... that you think
should be included in the next edition or that may be useful anyway in
preparing it, you're all welcome at any time to send them directly to

Obviously, you're also welcome to forward this request as much as you

Thank you in advance for any feedback,
						Marco Fioretti
Your own civil rights and the quality of your own life heavily depend on
how software is used *around* you:        http://digifreedom.net/node/84

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