[p2p-research] Fwd: Master thesis on network communication

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 20 05:17:15 CET 2008

Interesting research paper,


The initial approach to this theoretical exploration of communication
networks is through communications and medium theory. This results in two
levels of interest: 1) The physical level of media and distribution of
information, and 2) the social level of communication. A main property of
networks distributed processes is that they are complex. Complexity is here
defined in relation to communication processes as potential, probable and

*Physical network structure: The potential for communication*

Networks distribution of information creates the platform for potential
communication. Chapter one starts with a definition of information and the
transmission model of distribution of information. It then goes on to
introduce the framework for technological network architectures proposed by
Paul Baran (1964) as a staging point for an exploration of the network
theory (Watts 2001 etc.) derived from physics.

*The digital alphabet: The field of probable communication*

Digitalisation of communication media is made possible by a new sign system
for encoding data. Finnemann (1998) provides the basis for a classification
of the information code of digital media as a linguistic sign system based
on algorithmic convention rather than a formal numerical system. The binary
alphabet is a sign system which further reduces the number of potential
communicative actions and thus also complexity of physical network media.

*Social systems: Actualized communication*

On the basis of the systems theory represented by Gregory Bateson and Niklas
Luhmann, chapter two explores the social processes at the centre of the
'social level' of network communication. We explore how social systems
emerge and self-organize, and define three cybernetic levels of
communication: perturbation, reflection and context.

*Network media brings communication home *

Conclusively an account of the consequences of network communication in
society is given as a unified perspective. Here is a short account of the
main conclusions.

With the global scaling of self-organizing social interaction systems, a
common goal is shared in a specialized community of practice much like the
orally mediated communities of pre-feudal societies. When the current mode
of organization cannot cope with enough complexity, a new organizational
paradigm emerges. With the internet sustaining an exponentially growing
complexity of information the organizational principles of modernity must be
supplemented by distributed, self-organizing systems capable of reducing the
complexity of a connected world.

In the perspective of the social level, network communication can be
classified according to the communicative functions associated with the
three communicative levels plus the function of distribution and coding on
the physical level. A concluding comparison of the cybernetic levels of
network communication explored throughout this thesis based on a unified
functional classification of communication is proposed as a possible
framework for further research.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jonas Andersen <dotjonas at gmail.com>
Date: Mar 18, 2008 3:58 PM
Subject: Master thesis on network communication
To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

Hi Michel,

In connection with your lecture at Advice in Copenhagen I promised to send
you the final version of my master thesis in an open format for
disintegration and distribution on the P2P wiki. Well, it now passed through
evaluation and it's safe to distribute if you like.. Maybe the functional
matrix of network communication at the end is most interesting, but please
feel free ;-) And, of cause, feel free to use anything on my blog (
www.dotjonas.net) if you like!

I might elaborate on some of the points in a future article, so it would be
nice if it is referenced, but don't loose sleep if its too much of a bother.

Best regards

Jonas Andersen
E: dotjonas at gmail.com
M: (+45) 2557 2124
URL: dotjonas.net

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