[p2p-research] Fwd: Triarchy Press - News Update

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 13 13:23:05 CET 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andrew Carey <andrew at triarchypress.com>
Date: Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 6:24 PM
Subject: Triarchy Press - News Update
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

 Triarchy Press - News Update March 2008

*What's New at Triarchy Press *

*It was with a huge sense of loss that we announced the death of Triarchy
Press founder and mentor, Gerard Fairtlough, in December 2007. *

Gerard was a leading proponent of heterarchy and responsible autonomy and
the belief that dispersing leadership throughout an organisation gives
people a better sense of purpose and value. In doing so, companies thrive
and productivity and profits increase.

Gerard's experience came through years as Chief Executive of Shell Chemicals
UK and, later, the founder of Celltech - one of the UK 's most successful
biopharmaceutical companies.
Gerard's legacy includes powerful insights into hierarchy and leadership in
his books: *The Three Ways of Getting Things
*the earlier* Creative Compartments;* and the forthcoming *No
Secrets! Innovation Through Openness*, to be published in June this year to
coincide with Gerard's memorial service and the launch of an annual lecture
in his name.

Gerard's beliefs continue to thrive through Triarchy Press and his son,
Matthew, who has joined the company to continue the work that Gerard and the
Triarchy Press team started.
* *
*Public Sector reform… how Systems Thinking can help *

It's a world gone mad. A world where ambulances sit in 'holding patterns'
outside UK hospitals to meet the government pledge that all patients are
treated within four hours of admission.
In *Systems Thinking in the Public Sector,* best-selling and controversial
author John Seddon exposes the inherent weaknesses in the UK 's public
sector services and demonstrates just how far bureaucracy and red tape have
driven them in the wrong direction.

Seddon's arguments don't centre around improving the current system, but
make a powerful case for getting rid of it completely. In doing so, he sets
out a better way, based on the principles and practices of Systems

 *Systems Thinking in the Public Sector: The failure of the reform
regime...and a manifesto for a better way* is published in April by Triarchy
Press. You can read our blog about it
then see early reviews, read the introduction online and order your
And, in case you missed it, *Management f-Laws* is the most recent title by
the 'Father of Systems Thinking', Russell Ackoff. Also published by Triarchy
Press, you can read more about it


*Bringing new skills to the discipline of innovation *

*What links the world's most dynamic, successful companies - the companies
that are transforming the way we live?*
Andrew Jones' new book, *The Innovation Acid Test*, examines the practices
of a few of these innovation success stories - including Starbucks, Google
and Innocent Drinks – and reveals patterns which distinguish them from
traditionalist organisations: from the way they run their workplaces to how
they talk to their customers and motivate and reward their employees.

 If that doesn't sound like rocket science, I think you'll find his broader
thesis eye-opening and inspiring. It is this: that organisations need to
turn to the disciplines of Design, Anthropology and Architecture to find the
resources needed to enthuse their Generation Y employees and win competitive
advantage through effective innovation.

*The Innovation Acid Test *offers a clear guide for any company seeking to
transform itself into a human-centred enterprise equipped to meet these

*The Innovation Acid Test* is published in April by Triarchy Press. Read
more and order your copy

 Our new titles all feature the line 'tell us what you think'. With that in
mind, we're inviting you – and our authors - to join the discussion.  In the
coming weeks our authors and other invited contributors will be writing for
us on our blog and at our discussion forum. The forum covers all aspects of
organisation – its design, management and development – and there's a
separate discussion thread for each of our titles.

As a first step, do visit our
see what's being said and join the discussion.

 Additionally, innovation is a key theme at Triarchy Press in 2008. As well
as *The Innovation Acid Test*, we're also set to publish an inside account
of *The Economist's* *Project Red Stripe* (a unique approach to innovation
which ran last year) as well as other titles focusing on the subject. Open
innovation, for example, is an idea being enthusiastically embraced by some
of the world's leading companies:  where once only confidentiality
agreements existed, a whole new breed of 'no secrets' policies are now
advocated and adopted and the trend is increasingly to look outwards for
innovative ideas and solutions.
So, what's your experience of organisational innovation? If you'd like to
lead or join a discussion on the subject, please visit:


*Look out for a translation of Alain de Vulpian's ground-breaking A l'écoute
des gens ordinaries* (Listening to Ordinary People), published by Triarchy
Press this May to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the
excitement/chaos/uprisings of May 1968. Chronicling five decades of in-depth
sociological research, it offers fascinating insights into Western society,
our reactions to advertising, consumerism and the collapse of organised
religion (outside the USA), our changing views about sex, spirituality and

 *About Triarchy Press*
Triarchy Press<http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=11844980&msgid=5043910&act=CH3A&c=43399&admin=0&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.triarchypress.com%2F>is
an independent publisher of content focusing on organisations, how
work and the way we work in them.Triarchy publications offer fresh,
in-depth expert thinking from writers whose work is academically robust yet
accessible to practitioners.

  *Gerard Fairtlough *
Triarchy Press founder, mentor and friend


John Seddon's latest book, *Systems Thinking in the Public Sector*
promises to provoke controversy and fierce debate within the UK's public


*The Innovation Acid Test*
Andrew Jones' study of competitive advantage through innovation

Triarchy Press ~ Station Offices ~ Axminster ~ Devon EX13 5PF ~ UK
*T:*01297 631456 ~ Intl: +44 1297 631456
E: mail at triarchypress.com

  This message was sent from Andrew Carey to michelsub2004 at gmail.com. It was
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