[p2p-research] Capital Club

Samuel Rose samuel.rose at gmail.com
Thu Mar 6 22:35:43 CET 2008


While I think I can agree with the logic in your criticism, the reality is
that we will persist in being in a world in which some people will see
'profit' as a goal. We will not be able to stop them from seeing things this
way, for reasons I describe in

So, solutions that we seek have to be able to work with multiple
world-views, not just one. This means we have to actually tolerate and work
with people who are focused on 'profit'.

How can we do this?

*By making conditions in which it is more profitable for them to also focus
on social equity, and evironment.*

We do this by obsoleting the existing models, and  making ours work better,
and thus more appealing to everyone, regardless of what their goals are. We
want to incorporate what is appealing to all recognizeable world views.

Here is the secret, you will *not* have to change anything about User-Owner,
at least not right away. All you really have to do is "tune your transmitter
to their receiveer", and explain in terms that they can understand why
people who are focused on 'profit' should adopt your model, and how it will
increase their 'profit'. If it won't, then it can. Some people are also
focused on "control" while simultaneously focused on "profit", and there may
be nothing that you can do to win them over. All you can do for those people
is obsolete their existing models. Make your model outperform theirs for all
of the people involved in the "Value Chain".

We are actually on the way to doing that with User Owner. Because, for
people who are focused on 'profit', but not on 'control', your model can
give them as individuals, a new way towards 'profit'.  Possibly faster and
more efficiaently than existing ways. This is actually a huge amount of
people in the US, and world right now, that are focused on 'profit', but are
not focused on 'control' (or controlling people so as to funnel power/money
towards yourself). Right now, to pursue 'profit', those people are usually
stuck in servitude to people who are also motivated by 'control'. But, if
they had an alternative....

What about people who are motivated by social equity? People who are
motivated by doing what they want, but not at the expense of others? People
who are sacrificing there "self" now, for a future reward (even those who
religiously believe they will receive that reward in an  "afterlife"?) How
can your model be described to them, to show them how to futher their work
towards their existing goals?

Why would you want to explain it to them in their terms? Because only some
of them will be ready to change in the way that your existing descriptions
suggest. For the rest, your model/solution will be adopted if there is a way
for humans with many different value systems to engage and use it within
their world views.

Don't try to change humans towards the solutions. Change solutions towards

On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 3:57 PM, Patrick Anderson <agnucius at gmail.com> wrote:

> Vinay,
> I hope not to sound negative for no reason.
> I have a specific problem with NatCap that is all too common: The idea
> of 'profit' (keeping price above cost) is seen as a *goal* instead of
> a central *problem*.
> For instance, from http://www.natcap.org/sitepages/pid5.php we read:
> "Natural Capitalism describes a future in which business and
> environmental interests increasingly overlap, and in which businesses
> can better satisfy their customers' needs, increase profits, and help
> solve environmental problems all at the same time."
> As long as profit is considered a goal in itself, the troubles I am
> trying to describe will persist.
> To reiterate, why do you buy your car instead of renting?  If profit
> is important, wouldn't you want to pay it?
> Your peer,
> Patrick
> On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 12:16 PM, Vinay Gupta <hexayurt at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> > What do y'all think of Natural Capitalism from Lovins et. al.?
> >
> > Vinay

Sam Rose
Social Synergy
Tel:+1(517) 639-1552
Cel: +1-(517)-974-6451
AIM: Str9960
Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samrose
skype: samuelrose
email: samuel.rose at gmail.com

Related Sites/Blogs/Projects:
OpenBusinessModels: http://socialsynergyweb.net/cgi-bin/wiki/FrontPage
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