[p2p-research] Capital Club

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Thu Mar 6 21:49:54 CET 2008

On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 11:48 AM, Marcin Jakubowski
<joseph.dolittle at gmail.com> wrote:
> Patrick,
> Before we get further into this important topic, I'd like you to define your
> problem statement more clearly. You are presenting certain content, with a
> stated goal of explaining centralization of power. Is your goal that in
> itself, or is your further goal to address this ill and propose a solution?

My goal is to have you and others help to collectively propose a
solution.  I have some big ideas about how to go about this, and have
tried for years to explain them, but my proposals are premature - in
that the audience does not understand WHY I would want the consumer to
own, and are also still incomplete because the help I seek from the
audience toward improving my implementation cannot come until they
understand the reasoning.

Are you already convinced that the consumer ownership is most
efficient?  I doubt you are.  Most likely it will take some work on
this thread and require someone that is not me to make the proof

> If so, then I would like you to phrase your content in the form of an
> explicit, testable hypothesis.

I'm not familiar with what you mean.  Could you give me an example?

> This will help clarify and motivate your set
> of concepts, and provide a springboard for practical critique, relevant to
> the underpinnings of society. If what you are proposing cannot be tested,
> then for the purpose of my work, it would have limited use. Please expand on
> your motives and scope.
> Marcin

My motive is to design some kind of scheduling algorithm - analogous
to what the kernel of a computer Operating System does - for the
cooperative sharing of physical resources, and to begin new businesses
that enforce that algorithm by writing some kind of contract or "terms
of operation" that groups of owners can choose to apply to any
physical resources they wish, in a manner similar to how the GNU GPL
is applied to 'virtual' resources.

My scope is eventually all of humanity, and forsee it occuring in a
slow, incremental manner that will grow exponentially as it becomes
clear how much more efficient the arrangement is.

We will overgrow instead of overthrow.  An evolution instead of revolution.


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