[p2p-research] Fwd: "Internet Research 9.0 conference (AoIR 9.0) " sent you a message on Facebook...

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 31 14:39:05 CEST 2008

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From: Facebook <notification+pjiidwm at facebookmail.com<notification%2Bpjiidwm at facebookmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 4:34 PM
Subject: "Internet Research 9.0 conference (AoIR 9.0) " sent you a message
on Facebook...
To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

Lisbeth Klastrup sent a message to the members of Internet Research 9.0
conference (AoIR 9.0) .

Subject: Last chance for early bird discount

//apologies for cross-list spam...//

Hi all Internet Research 9.0 group members,
This mail just to remind you that today is the last chance to get the early
bird registration discount, if you are going to the conference!

1) go to http://conferences.aoir.org
2) click on registration in the LEFT-hand menu
3) follow the instructions and please register AND pay in the same session!
(our OCS system are not good at handling exceptions).

If you experienced problems on the website earlier today (ie. couldn't use
the radio buttons) that problem has been fixed now!

And should you encounter problems with the registration anyway, please mail
coordinator Thomas Jeppesen (ir9conf at itu.dk) - he will get back to you as
soon as possible.

The program?
We really hope to have it online ultimo August, once the program chair has
returned from holiday and last presenters have been confirmed.  We will,
however, upload some material to the "program" item on the conference
website at the beginning of next week, so those of you new to the conference
can get a better idea of what it's all about!

I'm looking forward to hopefully meeting a lot of you in a few months :)

Lisbeth Klastrup
conference chair

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