[p2p-research] Superflex - Self Organisation / Counter Economic Strategies

Kev Flanagan kev.flanagan at gmail.com
Wed Jul 2 03:45:54 CEST 2008

Hello Everybody,

I came across this book by Danish art group
Superflex<http://superflex.net/>last summer its called 'Self
Organisation / Counter Economic Strategies', it
was released online as a pdf in April this year.

"Self-organisation/Counter-economic strategies is about the many approaches
to the creation, dissemination and maintenance of alternative models for
social and economic organisation, and the practical and theoretical
implications, consequences and possibilities of these self-organised
structures. The counter-economic strategies presented here are radical
alternatives to classical capitalist economic organisation that exploit, or
have been produced by, the existing global economic system."

I've put a short post to the ning network and on my own blog. There are lots
of projects covered some better known than others, over all a nicely
produced book, so do take a look.





Kevin Flanagan

Research Blog - http://www.kevflanagan.wordpress.com
Video Blog - http://www.kevflanaganvideoartblog.wordpress.com
Flickr - http://www.flickr.com/photos/kevflanagan
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