[p2p-research] Progress in P2P Fabrication

Samuel Rose samuel.rose at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 06:44:17 CET 2008

The co-funding funding mechanisms are something that I really hope to
enable, along with accompanying group evaluation, decision making, and
community building.

Eventually, we will also figure out a way to enable digital design revision
control, with a repository for these designs.

Marcin's immediate goal is to create a functioning research and development
center at his location, too. He's working out a large and complex proposal (
http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Proposal_2008) , and I am trying to
help him simplify it for non-technical audiences here

Thought Marcin could use diverse feedback from others interested, if any of
you have time or inclination.


On Jan 20, 2008 11:44 PM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Sam,Marcin:
> I'm posting this tomorrow, see http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/marcin-jakubowskis-open-farm-the-most-important-social-experiment-in-the-world/2008/01/22
> perhaps you can then add the message below either as a note or as a
> follow-up?
> Michel
> text here, since it is as yet unaccessible:
> Marcin Jakubowski has written a reply to our earlier thoughtpiece<http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/the-intersection-between-the-immaterial-and-material-economies-how-can-it-work/2008/01/17>linking the peer to peer information economy to the material economy.
> He writes:
> "*The answer to the p2p link of immaterial and material economy is
> integration. This is what we're testing at our lab<http://openfarmtech.org/weblog/>.
> *
> *The key summary is: 1. Develop open source design for products
> voluntarily. 2. Develop fabrication facilities, voluntarily. 3. Optimize
> everything, voluntarily. 4. Provide goods for market from an open source,
> optimized, replicable production facility.*
> *How to do this voluntarily? Funding is needed. That's where a funding
> mechanism is needed, and that, to me, is the cutting edge of open source
> economic development. With this funding mechanism, we fund production
> facilities, optimize, and everyone benefits: low cost, high quality
> products, that cannot be matched by standard businesses because the open
> source variant is lean, mean, and optimal. This is what we're working on*
> ."
> The funding project he mentions above is in fact a 3-year deployment plan
> for a world-class research center for Open Source Economic Development.
> His, partially misnamed because misleading 'open farm' project (it is so
> much more than that, as it combines permaculture with permafacture<http://p2pfoundation.net/Permafacture>,
> i.e. sustainable manufacturing, is perhaps the most important social
> experiment in the world.
> So I would like to use that occasion to give some background to his
> project. Marcin is an advocate of Neosubsistence<http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Neosubsistence>which should not be mistaken for autarcy or voluntary poverty:
> He explains:
> *That is the term "we apply to a lifestyle where people produce tangible
> (physical) wealth, as opposed to dealing with information in the information
> economy. We are talking about basics: even though we live in the
> information economy, we cannot deny the reality that human prosperity is
> founded on the provision of physical needs upon which the meeting of all
> higher needs is predicated. Neosubsistence is related to the information
> economy in that the information economy is a foundation for neosubsistence
> *"
> The project is of considerable importance because it represents a
> concerted effort that is derived from a synthetic understanding of
> sustainability, and the very concrete effort to build a self-sustaining, but
> also open and therefore trading global village, which combines local
> production with cooperation on a global scale around open global design.
> The project is first of all a farm, with naturally self-replicating plants
> and animals, but at the same time it is an attempt to combine this this with
> a self-sustaining environment for the flexible manufacturing towards local
> needs.
> Martin's project therefore comprises a reliance on (I'm citing paragraphs
> from his document):
> - *Flexible manufacturing*, i.e. a production facility where a small set
> of non-specialized, general-function machines is capable of producing a
> wide range of products <http://p2pfoundation.net/Flexible_Specialization>if those machines are operated by skilled labor. It is the opposite of mass
> production, where unskilled labor and specialized machinery produce large
> quantities of the same item. When one adds digital fabrication to the
> flexible fabrication mix – then the skill level on part of the operator is
> reduced, and the rate of production is increased.
> - *Digital fabrication*, i.e. the use of computer-controlled fabrication<http://p2pfoundation.net/Digital_Fabrication_Primer>,
> as instructed by data files that generate tool motions for fabrication
> operations. Digital fabrication is an emerging byproduct of the computer
> age. It is becoming more accessible for small scale production, especially
> as the influence of open source philosophy is releasing much of the know-how
> into non-proprietary hands. For example, the Multimachine is an open source
> mill-drill-lathe by itself, but combined with computer numerical control
> (CNC) of the workpiece table, it becomes a digital fabrication device.
> - *a global repository of shared open source designs* -* introduces a
> unique contribution to human prosperity. This contribution is the
> possibility that data at one location in the world can be translated
> immediately to a product in any other location.* This means anyone
> equipped with flexible fabrication capacity can be a producer of just about
> any manufactured object. The ramifications for localization of economies are
> profound, and leave the access to raw material feedstocks as the only
> natural constraint to human prosperity" (end of quotes)
> Marcin has developed an integrated strategy to build the minimal set of
> machines that are necessary to construct a community of 100 people, and that
> can exist in a system of open franchising. This means that the system is
> conceived to be self-replicating as a totality as well. What this means is
> *that anybody interested in creating a global village of the same style,
> will find all the documentation needed to do so, and can rely on the
> training and assistance of the pioneering communities*.
> He calls this strategy:neo-commercialization
> "*Neo-commercialization means that we can both 'commercialize' a product -
> make it available for sale at competitive prices to others - and help others
> replicate the enterprise itself. We are interested not only in production,
> but also in business replication by others, because it's good for the world.
> The replication goal is grounded firmly on the open source nature of the
> entire development program*."
> "*The concept of neo-commercialization embodies both our own ability to
> produce and earn from the products, as well as our interest to disseminate
> the products via open franchising. Open franchising means that our products
> and production processes are under an unrestricted, open license, where
> users are free to decide for themselves as to how they will use, develop, or
> market the technologies. There are no strings attached. It is our private
> interest to have people contribute back to open production capacity, but we
> are not interested in policing the use of our creations. We are interested
> in maximum dissemination, because we believe that our products have a
> beneficial contribution to society. People are free to make living from our
> products, and modify them how they choose*."
> *Progress can be monitored at http://www.openfarmtech.org *
> We are dedicating a full section of our wiki on peer production in the
> physical sphere, where you can find documentation on many of the
> underlying principles <http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Design> that
> inspire Marcin's project.
> On Jan 21, 2008 1:06 AM, Samuel Rose <samuel.rose at gmail.com> wrote:
> > To update some of you who expressed interest in this subject:
> >
> > Right now I am working with Marci Jakubowski to create an online/offline
> > stakeholder development community around 16 key technologies:
> >
> > HABITAT PACKAGE: CEB Press<http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=CEB_Press>-
> > Sawmill <http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Sawmill> - Living
> > Machines <http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Living_Machines> - Modular
> > Housing Units<http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Modular_Housing_Units>- Modular
> > Greenhouse Units<http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Modular_Greenhouse_Units>- Solar
> > Turbine CHP System<http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Solar_Turbine_CHP_System>- AGRICULTURE PACKAGE: Modular
> > Greenhouse Units<http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Modular_Greenhouse_Units>- Orchard
> > and Nursery<http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Orchard_and_Nursery>- Electric
> > Garden Tractor<http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Electric_Garden_Tractor>- Organoponic
> > Raised Bed Gardening<http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Organoponic_Raised_Bed_Gardening>- Agricultural
> > Microcombine<http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Agricultural_Microcombine>-
> > Bakery <http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Bakery> -Dairy
> > <http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Dairy> - Energy Food Bars<http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Energy_Food_Bars>- Agricultural
> > Spader <http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Agricultural_Spader> - Well
> > Drilling Rig <http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Well_Drilling_Rig>- Freeze
> > Dried Fruit Powders<http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Freeze_Dried_Fruit_Powders>- Hammer
> > Mill <http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Hammer_Mill> - ENERGY
> > PACKAGE: Solar Turbine CHP System<http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Solar_Turbine_CHP_System>- Compressed
> > Fuel Gas <http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Compressed_Fuel_Gas> -
> > Inverters & Grid Intertie<http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Inverters_%26_Grid_Intertie>- Electric
> > Motors/Generators<http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Electric_Motors/Generators>- Fuel
> > Alcohol <http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Fuel_Alcohol> -
> > FLEXIBLE INDUSTRY PACKAGE: Multimachine & Flex Fab<http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Multimachine_%26_Flex_Fab>- Metal
> > Casting and Extrusion<http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Metal_Casting_and_Extrusion>- Plastic
> > Extrusion & Molding<http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Plastic_Extrusion_%26_Molding>- TRANSPORTATION: Open
> > Source Car <http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Open_Source_Car> - Electric
> > Motors/Generators<http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Electric_Motors/Generators>- Electric
> > Motor Controls<http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Electric_Motor_Controls>- MATERIALS: Aluminum
> > Extraction From Clays<http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Aluminum_Extraction_From_Clays>-
> > Bioplastics <http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Bioplastics>
> >
> > We are going to start a pilot project with the Compressed Earth Block
> > technology. This is a first prototype:
> >
> >
> > http://socialsynergyweb.org/opensourceecology/content/ceb-prototype-1-fab-0
> >
> > Over the next 6 months, we will seek out existing stakeholders, release
> > design information, and co-develop and co-fund the design, and an open
> > research and development center based in Missouri that will be open for
> > international community to visit, for students to attend and pursue
> > independent study, and for commercial end users, and contractors to buy both
> > finished products and machines and technology to make the CEB from.
> >
> > Some of the technological and economic advantages of flexfab-produced
> > CEB include:
> >
> > CEB - Compresssed Earth Block press<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compressed_earth_block>- regarded as the highest quality natural building method; also used in
> > upscale housing; does not require curing - so may be built continuously;
> > lends itself to 100% onsite building material sourcing; excellent thermal,
> > acoustic, and strength; aka structural masonry. Also usable in fences,
> > cisterns, road paving, Usable for ovens in a bakery, pond dams, thermal
> > storage cisterns, silos. Used for barns, dairy plant, bakery building,
> > additional housing, greenhouses, etc. I would go so far as that could be the
> > secret weapon of the entire operation. Other connections in diagram:
> > requires soil to be pulverized, which may be done with the agricultural
> > spader. May be used for building raised beds, modular building and
> > greenhouse units. High value flex fab enterprise opportunity for any
> > entrepreneur interested in fabrication of machine- huge profits are
> > possible, because other CEBs are expensive ($25k for one of 3-5 brick/minute
> > performance). Livelihood opportunity for independent builders. Requires as
> > little as 1 person to operate. OSE design is based on power from tractor
> > hydraulics - where the tractor is a general tool that can supply power to a
> > large number of devices. Output with 2 people - a 6 foot high round wall, 20
> > feet in diameter, 1 foot thick, can be built in one 8 hour day. Fabrication
> > is simple - after metal is cut - a drill press is required for drilling
> > holes for design-for-disassembly<http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Design-for-disassembly>structure. Welding is required in a few places where bolting is not
> > practical, such as the hopper box. Summary: a high performance, rapid,
> > semi-skilled building technique, which lends itself as a building method for
> > creating advanced civilizations. Lifetime design.
> >
> > ___
> >
> > We intend as project/movement/international community to try and compete
> > *directly* with both outsourced/imported and domestic contracting and
> > materials suppliers, first with flex fab-produced CEB, and then eventually
> > with all of the 16 technologies produced above.
> >
> > If you are interested in this, I'll keep you informed, and we should be
> > able to open up this community sometime within the next 2 weeks. Eventually,
> > I will help Marcin move all of the wiki content over to this site, and there
> > are, and will be some dynamic tools available for group decision making,
> > group funding, and declaring relationships, etc.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Sam Rose
> > Social Synergy
> > Tel:+1(517) 639-1552
> > Cel: +1-(517)-974-6451
> > AIM: Str9960
> > Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samrose
> > skype: samuelrose
> > email: samuel.rose at gmail.com
> > http://socialsynergyweb.com/services
> > http://blog.socialsynergyweb.com
> >
> > Related Sites/Blogs/Projects:
> > OpenBusinessModels: http://socialsynergyweb.net/cgi-bin/wiki/FrontPage
> > http://p2pfoundation.net
> > http://blog.p2pfoundation.net
> > http://www.cooperationcommons.com
> > http://barcampbank.org
> > http://bfwatch.barcampbank.org
> > http://communitywiki.org
> > http://extinctionlevelevent.com
> >
> > Information Filtering:
> > http://ma.gnolia.com/people/srose/bookmarks
> > http://del.icio.us/srose
> > http://twitter.com/SamRose
> > _______________________________________________
> > p2presearch mailing list
> > p2presearch at listcultures.org
> > http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
> >
> >
> --
> The P2P Foundation researches, documents and promotes peer to peer
> alternatives.
> Wiki and Encyclopedia, at http://p2pfoundation.net; Blog, at
> http://blog.p2pfoundation.net; Newsletter, at
> http://integralvisioning.org/index.php?topic=p2p
> Basic essay at http://www.ctheory.net/articles.aspx?id=499; interview at
> http://poynder.blogspot.com/2006/09/p2p-very-core-of-world-to-come.html
> BEST VIDEO ON P2P: http://video.google.com.au/videoplay?docid=4549818267592301968&hl=en-AU
> KEEP UP TO DATE through our Delicious tags at http://del.icio.us/mbauwens
> The work of the P2P Foundation is supported by SHIFTN,
> http://www.shiftn.com/

Sam Rose
Social Synergy
Tel:+1(517) 639-1552
Cel: +1-(517)-974-6451
AIM: Str9960
Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samrose
skype: samuelrose
email: samuel.rose at gmail.com

Related Sites/Blogs/Projects:
OpenBusinessModels: http://socialsynergyweb.net/cgi-bin/wiki/FrontPage

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