[p2p-research] your book

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 9 11:41:04 CET 2008

Dear Christian:

I have just discovered http://fuchs.icts.sbg.ac.at/i&s.html, but
unfortunately the sound on the videos was to low on my computer ...

I was not aware of your book and your work before, though I should have.

I'm copying this to the p2presearch list, as I think these other academics
will be interested in hearing about your work as well, see
http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Nottingham_Peer_Production_Workshop for
background on that initiative

I would like to feature your blog as "Book of the Week'" on our blog at
http://blog.p2pfoundation.net (see in the sigfile for access to the resource
base of p2pfoundation.net in general)

This would involve say 1) a general presentation for which I can use
http://fuchs.icts.sbg.ac.at/i&s.html and at least two excerpts (that's 3
pubs, mon-wed-fri in one week)

For example, I would suggest excerpts from my list of sections below.

I'm personally interested in reading these sections in particular myself.

If I'd have access to such material in doc form (don't know how to quote
from pdf), I would then also like to permission to use some quotes in our
wiki at p2pfoundation.net (I would tell you which ones)

I'm also interested in a review copy if possible, which I would write for
the cybercultures list if that hasn't been done yet.

I'm a non-academic researcher, and have no access to academic databases.

Here therefore are the sections of particular interest:

2.4. An Alternative: Self-Organization in Society as Human Co-operation

4.3. Conclusion: Co-operation and Competition in Transnational Network

6.3. Virtual Products as a Foundation of a Sustainable Society?

7.2. Informational Capitalism: Commodity- or Gift-Economy?
7.2.1. Co-operation in the Internet Economy: Open Source and the
Informational Gift Economy
7.2.2. Competition in the Internet Economy: Informational Monopolies
7.2.3. The Gift Commodity Internet Economy: Strategies of Accumulation in
Informational Capitalism

7.3. Class Competition in Informational Capitalism
7.3.1. Knowledge Labor as Non-Class
7.3.2. Knowledge Labor as Class

thanks for considering my request,

Michel Bauwens

The P2P Foundation researches, documents and promotes peer to peer

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Basic essay at http://www.ctheory.net/articles.aspx?id=499; interview at

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