[p2p-research] social doctrine of the church

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 07:08:25 CET 2008

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     Dear friends,

I would like to request your help as researchers. I have been invited to
speak in the Vatican on 'par cum pari' and how this fits in and would change
the social doctrine of the Catholic social tradition. The problem is that
I'm not familiar with it at all, and have no access to academic material. So
I'm looking for any potential mentors that you may know, URL's you may point
me to, or doc/pdf papers that could be sent ...

Thanks for considering this,


the Vatican, 7 January 2008

Dear Professor Bauwens,

We hope that you have just enjoyed a happy and a holy Christmastide.

Now that 2008 has begun, we are entering the last stages of preparation for
our Plenary meeting of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences on
'Pursuing the Common Good: How  Solidarity and Subsidiarity Can Work
Together'. To this end, it is necessary to work out a timetable for
submission of papers such that they can be circulated in advance to all
participants. Below you will find details of the timetable towards which
others, giving different kinds of papers are working. We hope this supplies
you with a better idea of the framework within which your own paper will
fit. We are proposing that your paper should be ready for circulation at the
same time as all but the first two papers.

We have requested of Archbishop Minnerath and Professor Hittinger, who are
presenting the first two papers on the opening morning ( Friday 2nd May) to
supply their texts in good time so that you will be able to make reference
to these within your own work. In other words, their papers on *The Basic
Principles of the Social Doctrine *(Minnerath) and *Subsidiarity, Solidarity
and the Common Good'* (Hittinger) will set the scene. As we have frequently
underlined, all of the concepts which will be discussed during this
meeting have been subject to a variety of interpretations within academia.
Therefore, it is of the greatest importance that all of us approach the
topics covered in this Plenary with a clear understanding of the corpus of
Social Teachings on these issues. Of course, that is not to say that this
Teaching raises no questions or leaves no gaps, but we do need to make
constant reference to it in the course of each presentation and the
(lengthier than usual) discussion devoted to it.

In order that everyone should have sufficient time to read your
presentation in advance, which means that you will only need to highlight
the key points you wish to make, rather than reading out a summary of your
paper, it is necessary to request an early deadline.

We are asking all presenters to submit their papers *by the end of March
2008*. This will give other participants less than a month in which to read
a substantial file of papers. Please be so good as to confirm that this
timetable is feasible for you.

Our sincere apologies for adding to your pressures, but hoping that you will
understand the need to try to prepare this meeting well and to increase the
quality and amount of discussion by being able to assume that everyone has
had time to read the papers.

            *Please confirm that you have received this e-mail.***

With every good wish for the New Year

Margaret Archer

Pierpaolo Donati

P.S. A copy of the Guidelines to presenters in re-enclosed for ease of

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