[p2p-research] collective bookmarking

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 6 13:36:25 CET 2008

Dear friends,

One of my priorities is to collectivize the work at the p2pfoundation, so
that it becomes an instrument of our collective intelligence ...

It has been hard going to involve people in the wiki and blog ...

My last request for blog entries during my two week trip in December yielded
.... zero response ...

The trick may perhaps be to create low treshold tools that naturally extend
what each of us is already doing ....

I'm proposing a solution that may be easy to set up and operate ...

First  have a look at http://www.anarchaia.org/ and  http://project.ioni.st/

They are examples of tumblelogs, very short blog entries that follow your
discoveries ...

They are done with Tumblr, http://tumblr.com/

and here is how it is done,

It would be a way to marry our delicious tags for example, but also our blog
entries etc ...


The P2P Foundation researches, documents and promotes peer to peer

Wiki and Encyclopedia, at http://p2pfoundation.net; Blog, at
http://blog.p2pfoundation.net; Newsletter, at

Basic essay at http://www.ctheory.net/articles.aspx?id=499; interview at

KEEP UP TO DATE through our Delicious tags at http://del.icio.us/mbauwens

The work of the P2P Foundation is supported by SHIFTN,
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