[p2p-research] Open letter to Routledge

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 12:58:59 CET 2008

Hi Johan,

thanks for explaining your motives!

what is your own view: should I go ahead with that open letter?


On Tue, Feb 12, 2008 at 5:17 PM, Johan Söderberg <johan.soderberg at sts.gu.se>

> Hi Michel, and everyone else.
> I'm glad to hear that you liked the book (so far). I dont know if my
> signature on the letter would be for better or worse, since it might then
> seem as if I had orchestrated the whole thing. Also, as you rightly pointed
> out, Im sort of complicit in keeping the text locked up  in the publisher's
> tresure-trove...
> However, it was not the prospect of furthering my academic career that led
> me to the decision to send the manuscript to Routledge. At the time I was
> not part of academia at all but an unemployed artist (which is also what it
> says in the author's presentation of me) mostly supported by the swedish
> welfare system, or what remains of it. My ambition was to write Hacking
> Capitalism in a year and then move on to a childrens' book (still in the
> drawer, since it took me five years instead of one). Anyway, and this
> connects to the more general discussion under this topic, I made the
> decision to sign over the manuscript because I guessed that since I lack
> credibility/brand name of my own, I needed to pass an academic gatekeeper,
> or otherwise no-one would care to read the text. To the extent that someone
> would have read the book, it would circulate among the Internet-savvy people
> that already are thinking along the same lines. In order to reach the people
> that I most wanted to have exposed to the argument in the book, i.e.
> leftist/marxist-academics, I didnt see any other way.
> sincerely
> Johan

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