[p2p-research] mode of production shootout

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 12:14:15 CET 2008

These are useful points, I will add them to the shootout when they are
more clear to me:

> - who works, and under what conditions (if they are paid
> conditionally, it's not peer production)

I imagined the "Cost Recovery: Wages" row covered this, but maybe we
need another row, or should rename it?  The word 'Wage' leaves a bad
taste in many people's mouths.  Any suggestions?

> - how's the process of producing

Do you have more in you brain that you are not telling me?  This
sounds important, but what do you mean?  Come on, Michel, don't hold
out on me! ;)

> -who gets the final product and under what conditions

Ah, yes, this is very important to me, and will add this row right now.


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