[p2p-research] Open letter to Routledge

Samuel Rose samuel.rose at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 20:52:19 CET 2008

Plus, and I know it is frustrating, but I promise you that, like I had
written to the list previously, people just will not change in ways that
they are not yet ready to.

So, the challenge is how can you, we, or anyone, make Ownership possible in
a way that people are ready to employ and deploy in this world, right now,
today?  The problem that most people are trying to solve on a fundamental
level right now, is a problem of basic subsistence existence. Basically,
they are world views that revolve around assumptions about how to split up
the pie of depletable resources.

You can try to "reframe the game" to show what is really happening as much
as you want for people, and this will really work for some of them. Because
they happen to be people who are ready to hear and understand, and change.
BUT, some of them are not yet ready for this. So, they will:

   - Do what I call "Circle the wagons", stay steadfastly where they are
   at, when confronted with this change
   - "regress", shift to an earlier way of solving problems of existence
   if "circling the wagons" doesn't work

So, in this case, you have to "tune your transmitter to their receiver".
think about why they are solving problems the way that they are, what their
fundamental assumptions about reality are, talk to them in those terms.
Offer ways for people to engage your processes and solutions in a way that
they are ready to do, right now.

Then, I think we the usr/consumers really will stop begging the current

I think in this case, that if a real, working alternative existed for
scientific writers, that allowed those with different motivations to get
what they are looking for, while also giving more control over to the
consumers and users/writers, that people would take that alternative.

But right now, no such alternative exists, and so people are not yet ready
to strike out and make it happen, and give up what they have.

So, it is up to us, to create that alternative that will actually work for
the actual people in question, if it's important to us to see this type of

On Feb 11, 2008 1:09 PM, Patrick Anderson <agnucius at gmail.com> wrote:

> Will we (the users/consumers) ever stop begging the current OWNers who
> have the goal of keeping price above cost, and instead organize to
> purchase and OWN the physical means of production ourselves?
> Why are we (the users/consumers)so afraid of OWNership?  I think it is
> because we suspect that if such an organization were attempted, it
> would end just as it always inevitably does - with the handful of the
> initial investors remaining OWNers even while the users/consumers
> implicitly invest when the pay price above cost and yet receive no
> OWNership themselves.
> Patrick
> On Feb 11, 2008 5:22 AM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Dear friends,
> >
> > I'm reading, with great excitement, Johan Soderbergh's very interesting
> and
> > well-written book, it makes me all the more outraged about the price of
> the
> > book, over $100,and over the fact that the publishers even refused to
> send
> > Johan an edited copy.
> >
> > As far as I'm concerned, Routledge is doing everything to keep the book
> > 'out' of circulation, and failing its duties as a scientific publisher.
> >
> > I'm motivated to write an open letter to the publisher, and would like
> to
> > poll, how many here would be in principle be willing to sign it? (given
> of
> > course, you agree with my formulation)
> >
> > An additional advantage is that it may create a fuss around this
> > well-deserved book.
> >
> > Athina, you are published by same same, what do you think?
> >
> > Michel
> >
> > --
> > The P2P Foundation researches, documents and promotes peer to peer
> > alternatives.
> >
> > Wiki and Encyclopedia, at http://p2pfoundation.net; Blog, at
> > http://blog.p2pfoundation.net; Newsletter, at
> > http://integralvisioning.org/index.php?topic=p2p
> >
> > Basic essay at http://www.ctheory.net/articles.aspx?id=499; interview at
> > http://poynder.blogspot.com/2006/09/p2p-very-core-of-world-to-come.html
> > http://video.google.com.au/videoplay?docid=4549818267592301968&hl=en-AU
> >
> > KEEP UP TO DATE through our Delicious tags at
> http://del.icio.us/mbauwens
> >
> > The work of the P2P Foundation is supported by SHIFTN,
> > http://www.shiftn.com/
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> >
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Sam Rose
Social Synergy
Tel:+1(517) 639-1552
Cel: +1-(517)-974-6451
AIM: Str9960
Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samrose
skype: samuelrose
email: samuel.rose at gmail.com

Related Sites/Blogs/Projects:
OpenBusinessModels: http://socialsynergyweb.net/cgi-bin/wiki/FrontPage

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