[p2p-research] mode of production shootout

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 10 05:55:52 CET 2008

Hi Patrick,

You'll see I made some changes to your shootout page,

I distinguished from really-existing modes, from the proposals.  I would of
course put peer production in the really exisitng modes, even though it is
clearly emergent

The proposals could be distinguished into historical alternatives
(anarchism, socialism, etc..) and a special for newly emerging proposals.

All of this should be distinguished from partial proposals, i.e.
neocommercialization, which covers only an aspect.

As far as I'm concernced, openfarmtech is largely peer production, and all
the more important as it tries to find a clear solution for linking it with
the physical sphere, while clearly careful to integrate the distributive
aspects of peer production, see


for that point,


On Feb 10, 2008 2:54 AM, Patrick Anderson <agnucius at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sam, Mich[a]el, and other researching peers,
> Samuel Rose wrote:
> > How do you see something like
> http://p2pfoundation.net/Neocommercialization
> > fitting into these categories (if at all)?
> Hey Sam.
> I found Marcin's SourceOpen.org stuff maybe back in 2003 [
> http://web.archive.org/web/20031231194735/http://www.sourceopen.org ]
> when I was trying to get the "Permaculture Propagation Project" and
> the more general "Communityism" ideas going.
> I have alot of respect for his "Open Source Ecology", "Open Farm Tech"
> and now "Neocommercialization" initiatives, and of course for your
> help with them.
> I've been thinking about this shootout idea for quite a while now, but
> suddenly got the urge to work on it "in the open" before thinking it
> through fully because that tends to only cause me too much
> procrastination...
> I definitely want to include more Modes, but have some questions/trouble:
> 1. I am not always sure what to name them.
> 2. The table is already kinda cramped.  Maybe we could break it into
> two or more tables?
> 3. I'm not sure User:Mattcoop even considers "Open Enterprise" a Mode,
> so would you please replace it for now with Neocommercialization (or
> whatever title you prefer).
> Michel Bauwens wrote:
> > I would appreciate if you would introduce it to our blog readers, in a
> > language that is accessible to laypeople not yet immersed in those
> debates,
> Sorry to be daft, but I'm not really sure what you mean.
> Maybe you could give it a go and I'll try to fill-in with whatever
> seems missing (insert questions in your explanation if that will
> help).
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