[p2p-research] Critizendium : Critique of Citizendium

Jon Awbrey jawbrey at att.net
Wed Feb 6 17:00:24 CET 2008



I will be pre-occupied with "emergent" household maintainance issues
over the next few days, but I may have just enough time before the
plumber arrives to post a short note.

I did not succeed in convincing Larry Sanger that a strong tradition
of reflective internal criticism was the best way to avoid being buried
by external criticism in the long run, but here is a link to my last best
attempt to do that, copied from various fora of the Citizendium base camp
to the Wikipedia Review:

Critizendium : Critique of Citizendium

Jon Awbrey

JA = Jon Awbrey
MB = Michel Bauwens


JA: Sadly, I think that the Citizendium model, despite 1 or 2 bug fixes,
    remains undermined by Sanger's insistence on trying the fundaments of
    the Wikipedia model all over again, namely, the peculiar mutations of
    the norms of scholarship that we find in his ideas about NPOV, NOR, VER,
    IAR, and so on down the (party) line.

MB: Dear Jon:

MB: Thanks for your precious insights.

MB: If you have any time at any point, I would like to invite you
    to write some short piece about the relation between dialogue
    and inquiry, a crucial point a believe, which I would like to
    publish both in the blog and the governance section of our wiki.

MB: In addition, I would really appreciate a formal critique,
    for lay persons, about the NPOV, NOR, VER, IAR, etc. and
    what alternatives could be proposed in a hypothetical
    wikipedia fork.

MB: Thanks for considering doing this!!

inquiry e-lab: http://stderr.org/pipermail/inquiry/
mwb: http://www.mywikibiz.com/Directory:Jon_Awbrey
mathweb: http://www.mathweb.org/wiki/User:Jon_Awbrey
getwiki: http://www.getwiki.net/-UserTalk:Jon_Awbrey
p2p wiki: http://www.p2pfoundation.net/User:JonAwbrey
zhongwen wp: http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Jon_Awbrey
ontolog: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?JonAwbrey
wp review: http://wikipediareview.com/index.php?showuser=398

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