[p2p-research] Fwd: Re: Wikipedia, Citizendium, Eduzendium

Jon Awbrey jawbrey at att.net
Tue Feb 5 15:00:05 CET 2008


[Forwarding an envoi from Greg Kohs]

> Subject: Re: [p2p-research] Wikipedia, Citizendium, Eduzendium, ...
>    Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2008 08:42:03 -0500
>    From: "Gregory Kohs" <thekohser at gmail.com>
>      To: "Michel Bauwens" <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
>      CC: "Jon Awbrey" <jawbrey at att.net>
> References: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9
> I guess I just didn't see how my main "axe to grind" would be
> fitting into the discussion.  Plus, I'm on vacation in the Florida
> Keys, so my dialog would be at the ever-present disdain of my wife.
> If I had to sum up my concerns about Wikipedia, it would fall under
> the "God-King" governance and illegitimate leadership for building
> an encyclopedia.  Not one person on the current or previous Boards
> of Trustees or on the Arbitration Committee (that I know of) has
> any real-world experience whatsoever in publishing an encyclopedia
> of any kind.
> Jimmy Wales was a non-descript options market trader/researcher
> who then dallied in an Internet "web ring" site that became best
> known for images of topless women.  That's the God-King of the
> world's largest compendium of human knowledge?  It wouldn't be
> so bad if Wales knew how to run Wikipedia by delegating authority
> to true experts, but instead he constantly asserts his authority
> and deprecates the authority of others under him.  And to top it off,
> he's ethically compromised by running a for-profit venture completely
> on the coattails of the non-profit, donation-funded organization.
> I truly am surprised that the IRS has not yet stepped in.
> Well, that's about it from me.  You are more than welcome to forward this
> little note to the mailing list, but I don't see that I'll have the time
> to continue participating, so I do appreciate your removing me from the
> mailer.  I, of course, wish you and your colleagues the best of luck in
> finding your way to the different truths about peer-to-peer collaboration.
> Kindly,
> Greg
> -- 
> Gregory Kohs
> Cell: 302.463.1354 
> On Feb 4, 2008 10:51 PM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I will remove you, but it would have been more than interesting to have some
> of your emotionally charged diatribes, that would be informative by itself ...
> Michel 

inquiry e-lab: http://stderr.org/pipermail/inquiry/
mwb: http://www.mywikibiz.com/Directory:Jon_Awbrey
mathweb: http://www.mathweb.org/wiki/User:Jon_Awbrey
getwiki: http://www.getwiki.net/-UserTalk:Jon_Awbrey
p2p wiki: http://www.p2pfoundation.net/User:JonAwbrey
zhongwen wp: http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Jon_Awbrey
ontolog: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?JonAwbrey
wp review: http://wikipediareview.com/index.php?showuser=398

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