[p2p-research] The Free Knowledge, Free Technology Conference (FKFT)

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 06:07:35 CET 2008

The Free Knowledge, Free Technology Conference (FKFT) is the first
international event which will centre on the production and sharing of
educational and training materials in the field of Free Software and
Open Standards. The FKFT 2008 Conference will bring together around 500
people from different continents including government representatives,
school and university teachers, IT companies, publishers, and NGO's. By
gathering together people from all these groups, we aim to stimulate
both present and future collaboration between diverse disciplines,
sectors and countries, through the medium of free software programs and
the sharing of successful experiences related to free software and free

The Free Knowledge Institute and the SELF Consortium (Internet Society
Netherlands, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Free Software Foundation
Europe, Goteburg University, Internet Society Bulgaria, Fundacion Via
Libre and Tata Institute for Fundamental Research) will collaborate to
organise  the content of the conference and to build strong
relationships between attendees. The conference partners recognise the
vital importance of the collaborative creation and sharing of free
educational and training materials on Free Software and Open Standards.
Our conference host is the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

Original papers, surveys, and presentations on all aspects of Free
Software and Education are invited. Submissions must have a strong and
visible bearing on the main topics, but can be interdisciplinary in
nature and need not be exclusively concerned with Free Software. We
welcome full academic papers, opinion pieces, review pieces, artistic,
and audio-visual submissions. Possible topics for submission to the
various sessions include, but are not limited to:

* Free Software and Free Technologies in society:
     Social implications of Free Knowledge and Free Technologies
     Who creates Free Knowledge?
     Quality assessment in collaborative authoring systems
     Legal issues of Free Knowledge
     The economy of Free Knowledge and Free Technologies

* Free Knowledge and Free Technologies in public bodies

* Educating in Freedom:
     Technological aspects of e-learning
     Introducing the SELF Platform
     Training Free Technologies advocates

* Showcase educational materials in one of the following topics:
     Introduction to Free Software and Open Standards
     Operating systems
     Office tools
     Educational tools

Participants are encouraged to prepare Workshops and Train-the-trainer
practical sessions introduced by a short talk in any of these topics.
For oral communications, case studies and success stories will be
favored for acceptance.

   *Submission Instructions*

Proposals must be submitted before 1 April 2008. They will consist on a
short abstract of the work, no longer than 1.000 words. Acceptance of
the proposals will be communicated to authors not later than 1 May.

On acceptance of the proposal, authors will be required to submit a
communication before 1 June 2008. Oral communication proposals will be
between 1.500 and 3.500 words, while Workshops and Train-the-trainer
sessions will have a shorter introduction (between 500 and 1.500 words)
and can be accompanied by slides or other visual material.

Accepted formats are Open Document, PDF and plain text. Communications
must be presented in English.

   *Submission Preparation Checklist*

1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before
another conference for consideration (or an explanation has been
provided in Comments to the Director).
2. The submission is in Open Document, PDF or plain text format.
3. All URL addresses in the text (e.g., http://www.fkft.eu/) are
activated and ready to click.
4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics,
rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all
illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the
appropriate points, rather than at the end.
5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements
outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Conference.
6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed track of the conference, authors'
names are removed from submission, with "Author" and year used in the
bibliography and footnotes, instead of authors' name,
paper title, etc.

General Co-Chairs: David Megias (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
                    Wouter Tebbens (Free Knowledge Institute)

Program Co-Chairs: David Jacovkis (Free Knowledge Institute, Universitat
Oberta de Catalunya)
                    Dragoslava Pefeva (Internet Society Bulgaria)

Conference information: http://fkft.eu/index.php/fkft/2008
Organising team: http://fkft.eu/index.php/fkft/2008/about/organizingTeam
For Papers: http://fkft.eu/index.php/fkft/2008/about/submissions
For Registration:
For Sponsorship: dmegias @ uoc.edu, wouter @ freeknowledge.eu

Contact Addresses:

David Megias, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
dmegias @ uoc.edu
Tel: (+34) 933 263 735
Fax: (+34) 933 568 822

Wouter Tebbens, Free Knowledge Institute
http://FreeKnowledge.eu <http://freeknowledge.eu/>
wouter @ freeknowledge.eu
Tel: (+31) 20 8910 319
Fax: (+31) 877 844 107

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