[p2p-research] From Citizendium To Eduzendium

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 05:52:55 CET 2008

> I continue to feel that we cannot sever the concept of
> a peer from its historical ligaments in such embodiments
> as "a jury of one's peers", "peer review", "peer pressure",
> and so on, without doing radical harm to the idea.  Of course,
> there is no suggestion of "equal in all respects", which would
> be absurd, but merely a requirement of being evaluated by those
> whose experience is comparable enough to allow of fair, informed,
> and prudent judgment.

I agree with that, and this usage is similary broad enough as it does not
imply full equality in all respects

> As for the condition, "nobody stops them from contributing",
> that is precisely the catch in systems like Wikipedia and
> Citizendium, where excommunication has gradually become
> the primary means of dispute resolution, and where the
> prevailing notion of due process is to revoke people's
> rights of citizenship first and then try them later.

Yes, you are completely right that  this is  a serious and fundamental

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