[p2p-research] Hardt Negri Mouffe Laclau Virilio Melucci Deleuze cake

Tere Vadén tere.vaden at uta.fi
Mon Feb 4 10:45:43 CET 2008

Nick Land used to be a very interesting thinker, before he disappeared 
and turned into an even more interesting thinker or ... something...:


Paul B. Hartzog wrote:
> howD all,
> I know this list is getting a lot of lurkage,
> but I am explicitly requesting a response,
> because I could use the help.
> I am looking for any works by any authors,
> that hybridize or otherwise cross-pollenate,
> any of the following authors:
> Hardt and Negri (Multitude)
> Chantal Mouffe
> Ernesto Laclau
> Paul Virilio
> Alberto Melucci
> Gilles Deleuze (and/or Felix Guattari)
> (Manuel DeLanda is ok too)
> Basically, I am firmly convinced that the intellectual action
> is NOT coming from American authors,
> and I'm looking for avenues into networks of thought,
> coming from outside.
> Please also recommend any authors that are NOT on this list,
> but that should be.
> much much thx,
> -Paul
> --------------------------------------------------------
> http://www.PaulBHartzog.org
> http://www.panarchy.com
> PaulBHartzog at PaulBHartzog.org
> PaulBHartzog at panarchy.com
> PHartzog at umich.edu
> --------------------------------------------------------
> The Universe is made up of stories, not atoms.
>                  --Muriel Rukeyser
> See differently, then you will act differently.
>                  --Paul B. Hartzog
> --------------------------------------------------------
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