[p2p-research] peer governance and democracy, request to Ned

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 08:19:19 CET 2008

On Feb 3, 2008 1:56 PM, Patrick Anderson <agnucius at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Ned, Michel and all researchers,
> On Feb 2, 2008 9:35 PM, Ned Rossiter <...> wrote:
> > ... there are always going to be those dysfunctional dimensions that
> > you refer to vis-a-vis platform owners vs. users.  I don't think
> > those tensions can ever be 'solved'.
> I'd like to ask a question that may seem too stupid to be worth
> answering, but I wonder if the reason it hasn't occured to us is
> because it is just too obvious to consider.
> First, a claim about ownership:
> 1. == When users are owners, tension is 'fair'

I'm just as interested in the producers being the owners, and actually
appreciate peer production because it liberates produsers from the market
and  user/consumer demands. I think that peer production hybridizes these
categories, from  active produsers with more power, to passive users with a
modicum of power.

> Second, a claim about scale:
> 2. == Profit should be treated as an investment from the user who pays it

In peer production, there is no price being paid by users, since it is by
definition universally available through its license and digital
copy-abilty, but of course your point would apply in case of cooperatives
and such.

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