[p2p-research] Wikipedia, Citizendium, Eduzendium, Oh My!

Jon Awbrey jawbrey at att.net
Sun Feb 3 06:20:31 CET 2008


Gregory Kohs wrote:
> I see that my Wikipedia Review blog article about
> the "Tight Knit Web" between Wikia and Wikipedia
> was transcribed on P2P.  (But, alas, it didn't
> seem to generate any feedback at all.)
> Please let me know how I might help.
> Kindly,
> Greg
> http://www.gregorykohs.com


Copied below is the last blog post from Michel
that led me to ask about moving to one of the
lists, as the complexity and detail levels
are getting beyond what I can cope with
in that environment.

But I'm still waiting to hear back -- major time zone async I think ...


> There is a new comment on the post "From Citizendium to Eduzendium"
> http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/from-citizendium-to-eduzendium/2008/01/29
> Author : Michel Bauwens
> Comment:
> Jon,
> that's the problem between definitions and real life.
> Peer production has three aspects:
> 1) voluntary contributions;
> 2) participatory processes;
> 3) commons oriented output.
> Clearly, the Wikipedia has one and three, but
> the participatory process has gone astray.
> A different issue, but of course related, is the relations
> between the commons and the businesses that live from it.
> What you have here is I think a similar issue to why democracy
> invented the separation of powers. What you decry is that the
> group of people that you say are profiting from it, are perhaps
> also responsible for the degeneration of the participatory process.
> This is entirely possible, but I think that it can also degenerate
> on its own (tyranny of structurelessness), or it is the degeneration
> that subsequently creastes possibilities of privileged capture.
> What I'd like to know is details about how you see that mechanism
> of exploitation, and how it impacts the process.  Are you sure
> that the deletionists have the same agenda, and are beholden,
> to the individual business interests of some in the Wikimedia
> Foundation?
> My provisional sense is that this is not necessarily related.
> At the start you said 'back up a little'.
> So let's do that. Take the difference between stalinism and fascism.
> Both are despicable totalitarian systems, but they proceeded from
> entirely different premises.  The first was a degeneration of
> an egalitarian ethos, the second an actual carrying of an
> inegalitarian ideal.  No matter how rotten the first was,
> it was originally an attempt for an egalitarian society.
> The Wikipedia is similary an instantiation of an egalitarian ideal,
> that has gone astray.  However, we have to keep a sense of perspective
> on these things, it is still a matter of voluntary contribution, and
> still a matter of universal availability.
> The exploitation part seems very relative to me:
> how much money are Wales et al. actually making
> of Wikipedia? Unless you know things that I don't,
> I don't see much evidence of it, But I'll keep an
> open mind for your answer.
> See all comments on this post here:
> http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/from-citizendium-to-eduzendium/2008/01/29#comments
> To manage your subscriptions or to block all
> notifications from this site, click the link below:
> http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/wp-subscription-manager.php

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mathweb: http://www.mathweb.org/wiki/User:Jon_Awbrey
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p2p wiki: http://www.p2pfoundation.net/User:JonAwbrey
zhongwen wp: http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Jon_Awbrey
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