[p2p-research] Update: P2P Social Currency

marc fawzi marc.fawzi at gmail.com
Mon Dec 29 09:02:18 CET 2008

Dear all,

Thanks to everyone who debated the ideas in the 'P2P Social Currency' model,
I have been able to upgrade both my understanding of a hypothetical P2P
Energy Economy as well as the particular currency model I've been working on
for such an economy.

The previous versions of the model leading up to this one had defined money
as a carrier/tokenizer of potential energy (i.e. stored energy) and given
that the value of potential energy depends on its use it led to having the
concept of the "price of energy" which had to be kept above cost of energy
production to enable sustainable abundance of energy.

I've realized after working with mental simulations that it works much
better when money is defined as a tokenizer of energy flows (i.e. energy
that is used, not energy that is stored) which enables giving the currency
an absolute value (in energy e.g. 10,000 joules per token, which is roughly
3Wh) as opposed to a potential value that varries subject to supply and
demand of energy.

The updated propositions of the model:

1. Convert surplus energy, generated by peers and stored in a common grid,
to a new type currency (defined under this model as a tokenizer of potential
energy and information flows) with an absolute value in energy per token,
that does not increase or decrease over time.

2. Direct the flow of money, using the aforementioned new kind of currency,
towards socially, ecologically and environmentally intelligent producers of
goods and services.

3. Enable a model of the economy where in order for peers to grow their
wealth (comparatively speaking) they have to share it (by lending their
money to others.) In other words, "the more you share, the more you have."

4. Enable a model of the economy that promotes sustainable abundance in P2P
energy production and enables P2P energy distribution and re-distribution
(from peers with surplus to peers with deficit) which in turn enables higher
productivity and efficiency and drives economic growth.

The latest full model (0.75.0), which has benefited from tons of discussions
with everyone here and on other lists, and even more discussions within the
P2P Foundation ecosystem, is available at:


Minor (semantic) changes:

1. Peer Bank is now known as Common Bank (its function did not change except
it does not regulate price of energy now since there is no such thing as
"price" of energy anymore since energy flow is tokenized as currency with an
absolute value in energy)

2. Peer Grid is now Common Grid (its function did not change)

3. There is no such thing as Peer Dollars or Peer Money. Money is now just
tokens representing energy and information flows (i.e. energy used, as
opposed to potential energy.) The tokens have absolute numerical value in
Joules, e.g. each token is 10,000 joules (~= 3Wh)... the use of Juoles
instead of 'Watt Hour' is simply because it's a self-contained unit... and
sounds closer to "dollars" than "Watt hour"


The model making enough sense now for me to go ahead and come up with an
addictive (yet educating/refreshing) game that implements this model.

Happy holidays and thanks again for all the debates.

p.s. version on my blog has yet to reflect these changes.
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