[p2p-research] Fwd: Summation 2008 update

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 25 11:01:04 CET 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Auren Hoffman Summation <auren at summation.net>
Date: Dec 24, 2008 8:57 PM
Subject: Summation 2008 update
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

     Dear Michel,

Here is a very short year-end update.   Included are some of Summation's
most interesting blog posts for 2008.  Also below is an update on Rapleaf
(where I work and where I hope to be for the next ten years).

Happy holidays,

- Auren
     December 24, 2008 ... Read time: just 3 minutes

Here are my best articles of the last twelve months...
"Recessions Promote Breakthrough Innovations":
This was written last March but it is much more relevant today.

"It Takes Tech to Be Elected President":
Much has been written about the Obama technology coup.   This goes over a
history of tech innovations in elections.

"Social Media Gender Gap":

Men are from video games and women are from social networks.

"How to Hire: When Good Isn't Good Enough":

With the recession in full swing, it is even more important to hire great

"You think for yourself but you act like your friends":

This was my most talked about blog in 2008 ... on homophily.

"Implicit is the New Explicit":
getting users is hard marketing.   Getting data can be a better strategy.

"The art of a job offer: encourage candidates to turn you down":

Some non-obvious ideas on how to give a job offer.

Rapleaf's growth - we're very blessed
Rapleaf has grown up in 2008.  We've done over 300 million unique automated
searches (yes, more than all the people in the U.S.) for over 100 companies.
 We find publicly available data across the Internet ... collecting
demographics, psychographics, community memberships, friendships, and more.
And we allow companies, developers, and sites to access this information in
order to provide a better user experience to their consumers.

We're still a small and agile company ... have just 16 full-time people now
(with a 17th on the way).   And we're going to be hiring a lot in 2009.
Right now we have 5 open positions we are looking for:  three more amazing
software developers, one product manager, and one marketing lead-gen
specialist.  Please tell your friends:

Rapleaf served almost 100 paying customers in 2008 and we have over 1,000
companies using our Person API (to better personalize services to their
consumers).   By 2010, we think every company in the world that touches
consumers will be using our tools.

Companies can also do a limited free social media screening at:

Angel investments and advisory boards
I have had the opportunity to advise and/or invest in some fantastic
companies in 2008 and I plan on making 10-12 more investments in 2009.  Some
of the companies I am a shareholder in are: 750 Industries, AdRocket,
BlipTV, BrightRoll, GoodRec, Huddler, Kontagent, LabPixies, Lefora, Lotus
Vodka, Mechanical Zoo, MerchantCircle, MesmoTV, Offbeat Guides, OtherInbox,
Palore, Playlist, Play Megaphone, Proclivity, RateItAll, RichRelevance,
SnapTalent, Socializr, Structural Wealth Management, VoxPop.TV, Woof Report,
Yotify, and Zoom Systems.

I will be in Cape Town over New Years ... please let me know if you will be

Best books I read in 2008:
Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Gang Leader for a Day by Sudhir Venkatesh
(special thanks to Marc Andreessen for the referral)

Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely
(special thanks to Jeremy Philips for sending me the book and making me read

Happy holidays and wishing you a wonderful 2009,

Auren Hoffman  More blogs at:

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